Freedom Challenge #4 entry #1 : If you lived in a free world how would your life be different?

is from a safe country, where we can travel the streets without fear of being victims of violence, where we all have opportunities for development without our gender and ethnicity being a reason for discrimination. The future I want is for us as a society to unite to preserve our natural resources, develop new technologies that allow us to mitigate the damage we have done to the planet. That we create effective programs of social development that allow people with fewer resources to "match" with the more fortunate ones. »

... I imagine a World where progress is the progress of nature. In which reciprocal respect is in the first place and there is no destruction but renovation where progress consists in the development of materials and renewable energies. In which everything is projected respecting the environment, that is to say, to bring to the lands and what it produces, a world in which everything is shared equally and without waste. Where human beings do not predominate over other living species, since respect for nature and for others is respect for our lives.

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