The State Of 'Freedom' Worldwide (According To Democratic Think-Tanks)

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by Tyler Durden

Democratic watchdog organization Freedom House has released its annual ranking of the world's most free and the world's most suppressed nations. For the twelfth year in a row, global freedom has been found to have declined.

As Staista's Martin Armstrong notes, 71 countries experienced a decline in freedom with only 35 making a move in the right direction. Of the 195 countries assessed in 2017, 45 percent were rated as 'free', 30 percent as 'partly free', and 25 percent as 'not free'. Infographic: The State of Freedom Worldwide | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

The United States, while still classed as 'free', saw a year-on.year decrease in its score, from 89/100 in 2016 to 86/100.

According to Freedom House, this is mainly due to a fall in its political rights, citing _"growing evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election", "violations of basic ethical standards by the new administration" and "a reduction in government transparency" as key factors.

One wonders what a Republican Think Tank would 'think'?

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