Let others go their own way.

A friend sent me a message this morning saying she went to the emergency room the other day for a certain chronic issue she’s been having for the past two years. It’s something doctors don’t really understand and so they lump it in together with something else in order to give her some medicine and make her feel better.

bah, image link

I’m not professionally qualified to diagnose her, but I’m pretty sure I know what’s wrong because it sounds extremely similar to the problems I’m just now starting to get over. The difference between me and her is that I’ve been extremely proactive and optimistic about the condition and my ability to fully recover even when doctors suggested it wouldn’t be likely.N I’ve proved them wrong and learned a lot about the body and good habits since then.

At first she was eager to listen to my advice about how to heal and get over what she’s dealing with. But most of my advice wasn’t as easy as taking a pill. Most of what I suggested was all around “healthy lifestyle” advice, nothing too wacky. I suggested she cut her caffeine habit, stop forcing herself to stay awake when she’s tired, cut out the processed foods, stretch and/or exercise drink water more regularly and pay more attention to her bodily sensations. I also suggested she worked out some emotional issues that cause her a lot of stress and that have probably been weighing down on her for years. She went for the pills instead.

Now as I watch her situation get worse and worse without any real answers from the doctors besides “take a pill”, it kind of hurts. She’s a wonderful person and I want to see her happy and healthy. I don’t think know if my advice on its own would be enough to cure her of her “mysterious” ailments, but I know they’d definitely put her in a position to be much more proactive about healing where she could find the answer.

Still, there’s not much I can do now. Sometimes you just have to let people go their own way and learn their own lessons at whatever cost and wish them the best. I still try to make suggestions to her but in the end, I need to respect her choices, even when they’d are self-damaging.

I still trust in the universe and it’s ability to show us what we need to see and push us along to where we need to go. I used to feel pretty upset about this kind of thing. I’m ok, but I hope she’ll find the answers herself soon enough.


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