Freedom is Always in Danger

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and the will to take responsibility for your own life. Whenever there is a public massacre of civilians in the US, people want to ban weapons. This would entail, at the very least, taking away the right of lawful civilian-citizens to legally purchase weapons. However, the government agencies and criminal organizations would still have weapons. The government has consistently failed even with extensive foreknowledge, to prevent public massacres. Few know this, but the government actually 'feels' it has no duty to protect your life. This includes, in North America, your local police. The armed government organizations are there to protect the power structure, not your life. So those who want to ban weapons in response to public massacres wish to give up their ability to potentially defend themselves legally, and place their absolute trust in governments that have repeatedly failed to stop massacres in the past even with extensive foreknowledge and the militarized surveillance state... As an aside, an automobile could also be classified as a weapon and a quite dangerous one at that. Remember what happened in France? When will they ban trucks I wonder? Of course, under the justification of public safety anything and everything can be justified. When AI advances to the point it can drive vehicles -bug smashing will take on a whole new meaning- humans low in the power structure -us- will likely be banned from owning ones we can control. Then, of course, they will want to implant you with a secret-proprietary man-machine brain-interface with secret-proprietary code for your safety. It's not that far out, already people line up to be injected with concoctions they do not understand or are even allowed to know, in the name of safety. These same people do not have the right to sue for damages. Again we are told to just trust the authorities that have been shown to care nothing for us. What the authorities care about is the acquisition and defense of their power over you. Remember that in the long-term FREEDOM is ANATHEMA to GOVERNMENT. I really hope the future of humanity is not the BORG... with the vast majority of humans relegated to the status of livestock or drones. Trust is a valuable thing, do not give it away to the undeserving. Without freedom, there can be no true love. When you fight for freedom, you fight for love. Fight for Love~

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