The un-brainwashing material for the purpose of spreading free market ideology and to convert the ignorant herds into awakened sensible indivuduals

You can't make a person who is pretends to sleep wake up. But sometimes you may find people you are just asleep and is unaware of most of the economic and political messages. You may not be able to capture their attention with sensible, technical facts. Stanley Milgram has repeatedly proven that people would just follow the authority and the herd. This is the banality of evil. Even I've got some banker friends and even relatives. I try to do the convincing people into sensible stuff and it has not been very effective. Fortunately I'm a person that cut my losses early and there isn't much of wasted efforts. I always test the waters before anything. Most of the people who know me doesn't even know what the hell I'm up to even after me trying to convince them into stuff.

It's all thanks to this thing called information asymmetry. You can actually get to know a person's thoughts about a topic without even discussing the topic. It's like detective work on a crime scene where you figure out the happening without actually taking part in anything anything happened. Since we individuals on steemit love cryptos, it's like Zero-Knowledge proofs where you get your Tx confirmed without giving away any vital information.

The Two main Tricks I use

The first one is shock information. I just drop some information which would catch a particular person off guard. Saying that crime rates have been in decline for the past few decades or saying that the whole affair about WMDs in Iraq was a fabrication or saying that Killer Whales are actually Dolphins fits the model. It's like testing a skin product for a possible allergic reaction. There is no point in getting into a pointless discussion. You can lead a horse to a river but you can't make it swallow the water.

When people face a new idea/fact that challenge the old, the brain reacts the exact same way it reacts to physical threat. If you propose facts to a liberal SJW they are going to react as if you are going to murder them..... according to science. I'd say the empirical evidence proves that. If you don't see a strong adverse reaction, you can start constantly putting out some new and thought provoking ideas into their heads.

The second one is fiction and other entertainment. I don't bother with Ayn Rand non fiction because I don't want to waste my precious little time on Earth reading common sensibilities. But it seems that not all people naturally develop a common sense. Some of those who don't are capable of developing those sensibilities through intellectual exploration. The video mentions that the youth is very divisive. It is because some people are willing to wake up to the facts like those poor people like me who work hard to create personal prosperity through effective human action. If you are stupid or poor, it's totally fine. What's disgusting is some people are hell bent on sticking to their ways. They want to close their eyes and pretend their sleep of blissful ignorance.

STEEM and many other cyptocrrencies have given an oppertunity for many people to grow and prosper. Now ask yourself what brought you to your favorite cryptos. There is always a good selling point and I'm sure the UX helped. I wouldn't even be this invested in cryptos if it wasn't for which allow me to buy cryptos straight out of my debit card. Most people wouldn't be on STEEM blockchain if it wasn't for the steemit social media that was built on top of it. I wouldn't even read Ayn Rand it it wasn't for some Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged quotes I found. The Fountainhead was simply the most intense book I've read and I consider it to be the greatest work in modern litreture and I also know that most people got into objectivism because of Atlas Shrugged which is called the 2nd most influential book in United States by The Library of Congress( Lord of the Rings came 5th and Bible got the 1st place

Also there is the Reader's List 100 Best Novels published separately by Modern Library in 1999 based on 200,000 voters. You can take a look at the Top 10 and search the internet to find how many novels Ayn Rand ended up writing. You'll come up with interesting results.
1 1957 Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
2 1943 The Fountainhead Ayn Rand
3 1982 Battlefield Earth L. Ron Hubbard
4 1954–55 The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien
5 1960 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
6 1949 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell
7 1938 Anthem Ayn Rand
8 1936 We the Living Ayn Rand
9 1985 Mission Earth L. Ron Hubbard
10 1940 Fear L. Ron Hubbard

Now it is time for some Intellectual Comedy

You may not actually realize to total value of the kind of videos you saw above. So let me tell you about a very smart friend of mine who unfortunately had to to go to college. She is a reader and she even reads during her lectures (Bless that child!) and has a pretty good taste. She got hooked to Ender's Game series some time ago and she really loves Bean for some reason (Not Mr. Bean - But's_Shadow). But despite all this she has totally put away The Fountainhead. Reason: It's so good she needs to binge read it while she is free from other distractions in life. The thing is...... I fully aggree. That's how it should be read. That's how I read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. But not everybody gets to have that kind of time. 99.99% of the newcommers wouldn't even bother to read a 600+ page book to explore some ideas just as most people won't bother to setup a crypto mining rig with CLI or drive few hours and wait a few hours at a Bitcoin ATM.

Intellectual comedy is a saviour in this regard. You could throw a 5 minute YouTube clip at somebody calling it funny and expose a person to certain ideas and facts without being too serious or taking a stance of your own. You can observe their reactions, have a discussion and proceed accordingly. If it's one of the suckers who don't listen to sensibilities you can simply tell them it's just a funny clip and not to make a mountain out of molehill. Then you can leave them to find their equality in death and poverty or inefficiency in regulation and bureaucracy.

Something little more serious and sound like an authority

Most people who are willing to take lead in their lives would have already gotten into cryptocurrency and other sensible good things. These videos are not necessarily for them. I'm putting these clips as some information that look like something with legitimate backing for the people who still haven't lost the sheep in them.

Explaining cryptocurrency to newbies with a little help from Dash

Dash is simply the most professional DAO in the crypto-sphere. They run like a buissness hel bent on taking down PayPal, Visa and MasterCard by being just so damn good at everything. They want to make people be their own bank and Dash is my favorite ""Currency" in the Crypto-sphere. Dash's self funded treasury gave Dash to our lovely Amanda B. Johnson to explain this whole blockchain things to people who can't read a whitepaper. It's simply the best introduction into the blockchain and cryptocurrencies although one of my friends was so frustrated for too much pandering and hand holding and being so damn slow. But that's just my weird and smart friends. For most people, the following series would be an ideal entry.

You can hop over to for more great content and lately they've been promoting lots of other alt-coin in addition to Dash. I hope I added something to your life and I really hope these material would be helpful to get at least some of those sleeping sheep to wake up and wisen up. I haven't transformed many people in my personal life. Hopefully by spreading these information I can transform more people indirectly.

Until next time, Happy steeming!

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