Living Off Crypto - To Spend Or Not To Spend

I've been considering living off just crypto.
Just bounce the system and be gone. It's a complicated thought.
There is a tipping point when crypto gains so far outweigh my meager fair that I can not worry.

But there is also the thought that every crypto dollar I spend today will be worth 10x next year.
Do I really want to spend 10x on every purchase in opportunity cost.

Yes, I want to completely opt out of they system, but I also don't want to do it at the cost of opting out of the system in epic fuck you fashion with millions of dollars.
It's that waiting game. I can keep working my meaningless job. Play the part of a drone. Despise all the sleeping people around me while I plan my escape. It's near. But when is it?

What is that crypto number? What's the number for you? I'm curious. How much crypto currency would you need on a hard ware wallet to give up working in the traditional sense?


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