Unshackle that mind - be free

I will say what most people will not, the virus is government.

There is an end game to the current circus of clowns named politicians, they think they have it all covered. There is factually one thing they never worked into the equation, there are 7.5 billion of us, and a few hundred thousand of them!

They never expected "us" to be organised, they never expected "us" to not care about bank accounts and fake Fiat money they created.
They thought we would care about the digits and counterfeit money they produce.
How wrong can you be, ask a politician, but hey, do not expect an honest answer.
For 8 years I have practised what I preach, for 8 years I have given food away and for free, why? Because I do not respect government money.
I do not respect them either. You can take my bank account with pleasure, but you will never stop me.
When you share with everyone you know, they share back, it is human nature.
I am done appealing to these people, I am done with following their laws, I am done with their monetary system, rules, mandates or dick-tates, I AM DONE with THEM.

For decades I have written how to be free, for decades I have tried to change the show, the circus that is government. Now I simply choose to be free.
I do not want a return to alleged freedom, no victim = no crime.
It is time for everyone to say enough, not doing it, not imposing my will on others.
There is no left, there is no right, there is only people, humans being.
Protesting gov gives them power, stop appealing to them, they never give in, they make wars they never fight, they print money backed by nothing and want it all back via tax so they can live a life of luxury.
The time is here, it is now.
Where we take back con-trol and make these people in poli-ticks get a real job, make them add something to society, make them grow their own food.
The lazy have had their day, they have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that their loyalty is to lunatics detached from reality like Klaus anal Schwab, Kill Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO & many other little, minute clubs like Freemasons, that they are not for the people, do not protect us the people, and resent us "the people".

Hypocrites the lot of them that live off the backs of others.
Parasites, leaches, the lot of them.

ENOUGH of them!

That is the way I feel, the way I think, the way I am.
Keep caring for those you know, those you love and those that love and know you.
Let us make a better system, the timing is critical, in you I trust, as I hope you do me, actions speak louder than words, make it so captains.

No more keep your enemy of your enemy as a friend, release them, no more appeal to those who oppress you, release them.

Have a superb day, time to be truly FREEEEEEEEEE.

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