For Adults Only



Parental guidance suggested: Sweary words, personal sovereignity / accountability, authenticity and pesky things like freedom, equality, ethics and other yucky stuff.

For adults only.


The Purge?


Aren't we basically "in" it? ๐Ÿ‘€

"With great freedom comes great responsibility." Not sure if I made that up or stole it from somewhere...

A person can't be free if they don't know themselves anyway, really.

They'll only be at the mercy of their own subconscious and "Shadow".


People want freedom but they don't want to be responsible or personally accountable to gain or keep it.

Or do the work to become so. Or change their current behaviour to maybe grow and progress.

It's an interesting conundrum and perhaps left to those who are still full of the fire of youth.

Pity we adults think we know it all and don't listen to the kids as much as we probably should.


I have a friend who says they want their personal sovereignity but they don't trust Web3 because it's not (meant to be) "regulated".

Have you ever?

So... I want my freedom but I want someone else to do the work to make sure nobody scams me or takes advantage of me. Or offends me.

And I trust my fiat bank who is charging me exorbitant fees to loan me money that doesn't exist. And is basically scamming me.

It's quite weird. When you can remove personal perspective and possible triggers.

I mean... when you really begin to look at things quite clinically and objectively.


We want free speech. But only the speech we are comfortable with. Y'know? That free speech that lives with our personal perspective.

And we only want to take a stand for free speech when it affects us personally. Because busy, y'know. Or scared to be targeted next. Y'know?

It doesn't work and won't work like this.

I can say this with some authority now, because that's exactly what we've been and still are doing and nothing has changed.

But then (and I've said this before around here) it's considered "insane" to repeat the same behaviour but expect different results.

So perhaps "We are all mad here". The Chesire Cat - Alice's Adventures. Again.


Speaking of "crazy"...

every dysfunctional system or person will use the same tactics to sweep uncomfortable conversations that may threaten it or them under the rug.

Without fail.

The exact same tactics.

And, if you know about this stuff, it is so predictable it almost becomes funny.

It's a "dead-giveaway" if a someone puts all blame elsewhere, refuses to acknowledge what may not be working and, on top of this, accuses anyone they're having a misunderstanding with of being "crazy" or just plain ol' lying.

Toxic personality / system 101.

Brave it. If you're brave enough.

It's so blatant that it could be found funny, except that it results in atrocities being enabled and even, sometimes, facilitated.

Which is the point and motivation behind such tactics.


Most of us know some of this already, coming from outdated family systems running on avoidance of "The things we don't talk about ever".

The sweeping of uncomfortable conversations under the rug. Calling certain family members who refuse to play along crazy. Driving others who refuse to play along away.

All the while holding the dysfunction firmly in place.

It is no different if this type of behavior extends to groups, societies and, following this, nations.

In fact, it's understandable because we've learned to relate like this at home. And, probably, at home because of the judgment of the pack / society.

A vicous cycle, right?

Unless we become fearless enough to step outside of our comfort zones...

to change it!


Some logic.

All ignoring of individuals or alternative perspectives does, is keep toxic behaviour and systems in place at worst. Or halt progress at best.

Again. I have little faith in words, these days.

Tell me you're into freedom of speech and information while you mute, ignore or call crazy / conspiracy theorist (same thing with the same motivation) and I'll tell you, straight up, that you're talking shit.

Because you would be.

Of course.


This is what mainstream "big government" has been doing for years, btw.

Falsely accusing those who stand up or speak out.

Intentionally discrediting them and, thereby, removing support. And so muting them to sweep things under the rug, or incarcerating or even terminating them.

Cancel culture is a part of exactly the same system.

Born from the same fear of it.

Now socially acceptable because our technology has evolved faster than our conscious relating skills and personal growth.

And with media being used as the incredible propaganda machine that it is, and with our own ongoing desperate attempts to avoid our own "darkness" / "Shadow", we are easy meat for any predatory system or person to manipulate.




If anyone who doesn't know their own psyche believes they are "free" in any way I'd like to know how they are able to believe this.

Unless the old "ignorance is bliss" adage applies.

"I'm hiding content, muting content or ignoring content / comments because I know all the answers and I'm right." or I know I'm wrong but don't want to fix it - even worse.



Mmmmmmkay... (backs away slowly)


I don't think anyone who is even one iota awake and interested in authentic freedom, both personally and socially, wouldn't see the dangers here.

But, by all means, feel welcome to engage and converse.



Because that is how I learn, change my opinion and perspective, and (hopefully) find better ways to walk in the world.

Anyone or any system that shuts an individual voice down for any reason at all...

is dangerous.

Galileo was tried and condemned for saying the Sun didn't revolve around the Earth not so long ago. bears repeating

Need I say more...


I don't think societies or groups should be so complicated. If there is a written ethos. With principles and traditions or summink.

And I'm not talking about "rules" here. Even officially legislated into existence laws, that have (allegedly) been broken, require an investigation and court process to ensure innocent until proven guilty.

So only human people don't get hurt by other only human people.

Decided upon by more than one only human personal perspective.

Web3 anyone?


I'm talking about putting principles and values into action.

Or what's the point of having such things at all.

Really?! ๐Ÿค”


So... you can join us but here are our principles and values. And this is how we keep them in place.

By walking them in action.

If I believe in Equality, for example, I treat everybody equally.

And if I believe in freedom of speech... I acknowledge and respond to every individual opinion. And I don't manipluate content visibility.

Fucking outrageous, quite frankly. And fucking hypocritical.

And dangerous! Again.

And, personally, I avoid dangerous systems and individuals these days.

Call me cautious.

But I've been burned before. Repeatedly. So maybe I'm just a bit more "woke" now.


It's not complicated.

In fact... from this perspective things really become extremely simple.

For a society or group?

Your choice is to join us because you have the same principles and values - ethos - and you live by this code. Or not.

And you practice it here. Or not, I suppose. If one were to go deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole. We do have downvotes after all.

But without such things - guides for a decent way of being social and engaging - everything becomes personal at times.

And... well... human nature.


Then we need to address the pack mentality as well.

And we are not much different to animals when we are in groups. Honestly.

Any group would, thus, have to cater for those that are more predatory. Because the fact is that some people have trauma reactions that make them so. Denying this is, once again, not being very conscious / in Truth.

And to protect those that aren't healthily individuated enough to be personally sovereign. Yet.

I've seen this work very well in action, by the way. It's running superbly well in specific groups that are global. A massive organization that is totally self sustaining.

But nobody wants to listen to another perspective much. If they aren't uncomfortable enough to change.

What would that take, I wonder.

Another Titanic?


Yes. A massive GLOBAL system that runs perfectly. An actual democracy.

Without one specific religion or philosophy being punted.

Happening all around us right now.

With only simple guidelines on how members of groups should engage. With personal accountability being first and foremost so no acting out on impulses like a two year old.

To hold only humans in check. And with quick apologies and amends - and thus learning - to keep things simple and clear.

It's actually not complicated.

If the agreed on principles and values are put into action.


I said in a post, recently, that I was disgusted with some of the behaviour around here.

A strong word. I know.

I thought about changing it but decided against it. It fits.

Disgust is a feeling that is a secondary emotion to "disappointment", you see.

Yes. Emotions have layers. "Like onions", yes. Anger usually covers up grief. The main underlying emotion. And disgust is the same for disappointment.

I'm an idealist. Still. And I've been called extreme. Although I just prefer to keep things as simple as possible.

I guess I've had my Hive cherry broken over the last months. And I'm seeing some of the problems older users openly stated there were when I joined.

As there always are between humans and in communities at times.

Whether we fix them or not...

depends entirely on how we deal with them.

Ignoring them most certainly isn't gonna work. And neither is mimicking the Capitalist mentality and social structures I assumed Hive was developed to break free from.

So yes. I'm disappointed right now... who wouldn't be?

But it's mostly at the lack of principles and accountability of only some, only humans.

Balance. Of course.

On the flip side...

When you walk your principles in action you tend to find "your people" and cut loose the excess and noise.

And I'm all into Minimalism.

Because very precious time.

I'm also into learning. Always.

And I've learned even more about freedom in the exchange. Which is, and always has been, my primary interest.

So fair game.


Anyway. I personally don't rail against the darkness any longer. Fear, I mean. I've learned a bit and my time is valuable to me. Now more so than ever.

So I keep things simple.

These days.

It's either a mature, open conversation. An equal conversation where everybody's voice is valued and heard, equally, and the greater good is the main focus.

With personal bias, prejudice and philosophies excluded.

And where everybody is personally accountable first to ensure their perspective and "voice" is clear and has the correct motivation (guided by the group ethos, of course).

And immediately owns a mistake and changes direction if not. Because only human and we learn by making mistakes so no big deal. It's okay.

So no slinking back into the "Shadow" and avoiding oursleves. And allowing mistakes to be endlessly repeated. ๐Ÿ™„

Or I respectfully detach with love.

Because that shit is toxic. By definition. In psychological terms.

Again and again. There is no growth or progress possible without personal accountability.

And it's extremely unlikely that one opinion is completely "right" and one entirely "wrong".

If both are focused on the same principles and values.

Of course.

People high on the scale towards sociopathic have low empathy and are not accountable. This behaviour can be extremely dangerous because they use others for their own personal gain. Harming others repeatedly in the process. This is serious so I'd suggest people take it seriously. And I do, in this area, happen to have quite a lot of learning. It was a special area of interest to me for some years. And its effect on people is severe.

Some of those folks are very good at emulating concern. And at playing the victim when they may be caught out. You'll be wanting to research "covert narcissism" if you're suddenly struggling with mental health or addiction problems, or are finding yourself feeling confused and / or unstable.


Cancel culture or muting is an absolute no.

This is non-negotiable. For me. Because this is my primary Principle, you see.


I must add that, in the story I've been trying to share against some extremely challenging odds, it was only by walking my principles in action that this weird experience unfolded in the way it did...

and I've found myself completely at peace despite any external circumstances.

I think some may consider this Freedom?

I know I do. After seeking it for many, many years.

But call me crazy and we all have our stories...


Leaving Bo Burnham (again) for the fearless Seekers. And there are some around here.

This is, arguably, one of the most relevant Artivists for the younger generation. Who adore him. Because he speaks a lot of Truth. And about "The things we don't talk about ever."

And the kids love that shit.

Authenticity, y'know.

I guess growing up on the internet gives them super human intuition to sniff out bullshit across 200 kilometres of on the line.

Yet most grown assed adults are unable to engage with his content at all. ๐Ÿ™„

Why? Because of their own Shadow selves. Everything we turn away from is a part of our own Shadow. And will only hold us back.

More good reason to cancel "Cancel Culture". ugh

If you can appreciate Bo Burnham and even laugh at yourself along with him?

I reckon you're pretty much more than a good way "there".


Now if y'all are gonna find a few fuck words more upsetting than the pretty important social dialogue this very awake human is sharing, and in a way that is both creative and humorous enough to soften the blow, then abandon hope, all Ye who enter here. - Dante


You're offended? But not by the actual atrocities happening around you that he's trying to bring to "Light"? So we can maybe address and change things?



My one sponsor, in early recovery, used to say:

"If you sit in a barber shop long enough, you're gonna get a haircut!"

I've fought too hard and lost too much to gain my freedom.

I have no wish to be lulled back to sleep by any kind of pack mentality, the promise of rewards or the pressure to be a good girl and shut it or suffer the punishment.


I'll be on my way then.

Without judgment.

Because to each their own.

Of course!
As long as it's not harming yourself or anybody else. no brainer


Downvotes allowed. Manipulation and willful ignorance can fuck right off.

Respectfully yours.

Or not.



This rather spontaneous post is actually a reply to a comment by @wwwiebe.

Thanks for getting me off my butt on a Saturday, dude. It's been far too long since I had a rant. I rarely rant. These days. Hardly worth shouting into the wind. Is it?

But your comment generated a rather lengthy and opinionated opinion so here it is.

I would also add, re your comment on doing this on my phone, that a creative will create blind, with no fingers and in the dark.

And a part time freedom fighter would do it blind, beaten and handcuffed. sadly half way there but still going kinda strong ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Although I'll be doing it less now. Because my eyes...

I'd hazard a guess, though, that 80% of the users on Hive are working off their smartphones and with hardly any data available?

I wonder what the statistics are and how much the cost is for them to keep things up and running. Energy and effort wise. And tech and data wise too.

Yet I see incredible posts here from remote villages. Often.

Some perspective.

On privilege. And Equality. And Justice. Oops... I said all the words

I also just saw a kid with one hand win at Fornite on a Lazerbeam video. "Donating to Streamers." I think I'll spend some time filling my soul up with positive energy for a while now. That just really lifted me up in every way.

Fucking adore Lazerbeam. So glad my son put me onto him. And my daughter introduced me to Bo Burnham. Listen to the kids, huh?!

p.s. I don't think many adults are grown up enough to engage with their content tho. Comes with a Teenage warning!!! โš ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜†



Currently having a conversation on spirituality...

Feel free to follow along and engage with new content via my personal posts page if you'd like to stay connected.

This way you'll be sure to see it! ๐Ÿคจ

Or not.

Because as I wish too.

Of course! โค๏ธ

And I really am, authentically, okay with that.

These days. ๐Ÿ‘ฃ


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


All images not sourced directly are my own.


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