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The Trump / Q-Anon psyop - Good guy / bad guy theater on the way to a one world government: Part 2 - Q the Zionist psy-op

In the first of this series of posts we covered the Zionist swamp thing Donald Trump that has been swimming in the slime with lots of unsavory Israeli mob, Mossad, CIA, and other "alternative sex scene" buddies for his whole adult life (and likely part of his childhood as well.) If you truly research the characters that Trump likes to play in these polluted waters with, you realize that either Trump is the most amazing secret patriot double agent (a.k.a. Agent Orange) in the history of mankind, or he's a man that has sold his soul to the Zionist kingpins he's played with for the billions of dollars (and alternative sex scene "benefits") he's received in return. (I'm personally voting for option 2.)

On Oct. 28th, 2017, a new "mystery" character appeared on the scene to supposedly back up Trump and his supposed war on the swamp. The mystery character appeared on the internet backwaters of 4chan and 8chan (essentially a couple of virtual swamps known to be filled with loads of BS and disinfo), and claimed to be an in-the-know intelligence asset (supposedly with Q level clearance) that is revealing all the greatest secrets of Trump's super duper secret agent plans and the 4D chess he's engaged in to take down the "Deep State."

What is most interesting about Q-Anon narrative is its links and similarity (think "Q crumbs") to the annual Cicada 3301 mystery puzzles that have been circulating on the Internet. Cicada 3301 is believed by some to be run by an intelligence group that creates extremely complex puzzles to be decoded by incredibly well versed cyber sleuths. What's most interesting though is that in the short video below, Cicada 3301 is seen to essentially call out Q-Anon as a LARP (a Live Action Role Play game) and more specifically calls it a "neurotic display of grotesque fanaticism."


Q-Anon is gaming the populace

Regardless of whether you believe Cicada 3301 or not, what can't be denied with all the dropped Q crumbs to date is the gamification effort in play with Q. In gamification (just like with Cicada 3301), the intent is to engage and addict people to games that test the intelligence and problem solving abilities of those that engage with them. Gamification is one of the biggest trends in psychological manipulation of populations and employees today due to its addictive nature. As an example, China is currently engaging in one of the biggest gamification projects in the world called the Social Credit System in which every Chinese citizen gets a single score representing their trustworthiness. I suggest you watch the above videos on gamification to get a much better idea of what its about and what it suggests about intended psychological manipulation when it is used.

The fact that Q is employing gamification is a significant red flag pointing to Q as a sophisticated psy-op that is intended to screw with people's heads and addict them to passively following Q. The real underlying Q motive is to keep people playing along and all the while to get them to stick with and "trust the plan" of Q and Trump while passively ignoring the actual duplicitous actions of the Donald and his Zionist war hawks getting ready to attack Iran. Even Q has stated in his "Q-tips" that the next target is Iran, but of course this is totally OK because its just part of the super duper Agent Orange plan that you just need to trust.. naturally..

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The Trump / Q narrative

We've been led to believe that the Zionist / CIA media collaboration that owns basically every major media and entertainment outlet on the planet hates the Donald and are out to get him because he's some "white hat" that they can't fully control. Are you f'n kidding me?? The Donald has been working hand in glove with the Israeli (i.e. Meyer Lansky) mob and well known Mossad agents and heads of Israel for the last 40 years at least. The Donald's direct and indirect family as well as his closest friends are nothing but Zionists, dual Israeli citizens, and Chabad Lubavitch devotees. Yet despite everything screaming his Israeli allegiance other than him not wearing a "Make Israel Greatest" baseball cap every day, he's somehow a target of Israeli mob run Hollywood and Zionist run major media?? No f'n way..

Conveniently, despite the Hollywood theater (remember that's what they DO), Trump has very conveniently been left just one news organization that backs him up on just about everything - Fox - a supposed highly conservative (i.e. Neo-con) news organization that believes in Trump and his MIG...err... MAGA message. This is the same FOX owned by Zionist Rupert Murdoch. This is the same FOX whose name in kabbalistic numerology is 666. This is the same Fox that airs the TV show "Lucifer." This is the same FOX that shamelessly pushed the Neo-con (i.e. Zionist war hawks) agenda and deadly lies all through the Bush years. This is the same Fox entertainment complex this is known for producing the predictive programming Simpsons that pre-announced 911, Trump's election, and much more ahead of time.. I could go on and on..

Despite all of the above, Trump is still very conveniently painted by the alt-right as a complete outsider that that doesn't have any dirty, swampy connections and is therefore the perfect business guy to make the right "business" deals for the US and clean up the nasty DC swamp. Trump in fact looks to me much more like a slimy, Israeli-controlled "Don" that plays by Mossad rules with lots of other NY real estate moguls, mob buddies, and media stars. He sure can make deals alright, but these are deals where he'll get as dirty as he needs to get what he wants, and he's certainly as compromised as anyone else in DC so as to keep him fully under control in case he gets any interesting ideas.

With all of the above in mind, Trump is never in a million years going to allow some supposed intelligence operative regularly announce to the world on 4chan and 8 chan some super duper special ops plans he has for taking down the same underworld that has built him up for over 40 years. Could there instead be an approved Zionist plan that his masters have agreed to and that will throw some famous pedos under the bus? That could very well be a possibility and one that I would be extremely happy to see, but that would only be a limited hang out so as to clean up some loose ends like the disaster train wreck known as the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic Party. Don't expect any other major changes from this that would any way shape or form jeopardize the long-term Zionist plan though.

Q-Anon BS, nonsense, and strange observations

Let's just call out some of the most ridiculous Q crumbs and failed predictions:

  • The original bogus Q posts - On the 1st of November, 2017, a few days after announcing himself on 4chan, Q states that over the next several days a John Podesta arrest will be announced before an Emergency Broadcast system announcement to the entire nation that military control of the government will be put in place to prevent left-led public riots. Never happened - nada - not a single f'n arrest. What was circulated instead was months of crumbs rumoring of coming arrests - all of which never happened just like the first failed prediction.

  • The sealed indictments - So as everyone realized that the arrests weren't happening as Q announced, the next part of the super duper plan went into action.. sealed indictments. Supposedly there are close to 29,000 sealed indictments across the US at this point, yet all the usual suspects that are supposedly ready to be picked up like Hillary, Obama, and Huma are still travelling around the globe like they are on a constant vacation. Some fake news also came out at some point claiming that Delta Force went after Obama in some secret hide out in Thailand and missed him.. hmm, I wonder why they didn't just then pick up Hillary and Obama when they went to Barbara Bush's funeral while Melania was hanging out and laughing along with them? Well, you guessed it, no one can prove that any of these sealed indictments exist since there is no evidence of them anywhere. Hmm, maybe they are double super secret, hidden sealed indictments?

  • The dropping of stale conspiracy photos scavenged from the Internet - Apparently after a while, Q got a little content starved after most of his predictions failed to come true. This is when Q started with dropping photos that were supposed to be serious clues about who Trump and Co are going after. Some of these for example included rehashed Pizzagate photos, Illuminati hierarchy diagrams, and pics of Orgy Island (that Trump may have even taken himself when he was hanging out with his buddy "Jeff" there.) None of these "crumbs" have been of anything that we didn't already know, but they sure do build lots of hope in all those waiting to see the Pizzagate and Pedogate perpetrators do a perp walk to the gallows. Again "show us the money!"

  • Q claims about going after the Rothschilds - So Trump who works for Sheldon Adelson and therefore indirectly for the Israeli (Mossad/Meyer Lansky) mob is going to take out the Rothschilds, the single most important founders of Israel and the Mossad itself? Let's be clear, Mossad is basically the personal intelligence agency of the Rothschilds. This is when we realize that Q must have a some serious screws loose to even imply this.

  • Q NEVER mentions Israel - The Rothschilds run Trump through the Mossad, Bibi, Sheldon Adelson, Jared Kushner, and many, many Zionist plants - never mentioned. Jeffrey Epstein works a honeypot operation for Mossad - never mentioned. Soros works for Israel - never mentioned. An Iran attack is solely an Israeli agenda - never mentioned. ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency) is run by Israel - never mentioned. Huh? I thought Q is supposed to be working for the best interests of the US? Then why isn't Q dropping any of these crumbs? (You know why..)

Beyond the above Q breadcrumb BS there are some additional interesting points to keep in mind:

  • In intelligence parlance a "Q-ship" or a "Q-boat" is a decoy vessel - The British Royal Navy used to outfit merchant vessels to sink German submarines that got close to them thinking that they had no attack capabilities. In other words, the Q terminology already indicates a baited trap

  • Q is also the James Bond Quartermaster - Q was the role that would provide Bond with secret weapons or Q-devices and this again was in reference to the above terminology of baited traps or Q-ships

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There is still more to this story

In the next installment of the story we are going to look at some of the Q decoders and Trump enablers out there and their suspicious backgrounds and agendas. These guys that are pushing the Trump as "savior" agenda either need some serious smelling salts or they already smell enough themselves from swimming in the swamp that they claim Trump is draining. We'll touch upon some of these enablers as well.

In the meantime please leave your insights and questions in the comments section below, and please upvote this post if you've found it interesting. Thanks a lot.