Your Children Belong to The State And if You Step out of Line, The State Will Take Back it's Property.


This is the case if you live in Sweden and Germany and it seems to be spreading, nowadays it seems harder and harder for parents to choose what they think is best for their children without the courts breathing down their necks.

Imagine the horror of having your child taken simply because you had chosen to homeschool them instead of sending them to be programmed, bullied and made to feel inadequate or stupid at a state school. Why are we forced to send our children to be a part of a system that is obviously failing hundreds of thousands if not millions of children every year?.

Our Dance With The Devil.

We knew it was illegal to homeschool in Sweden which is why we had been planning to move for over 4yrs, the time had come for our eldest to start school and we were very nearly ready to move, we only had one week that overlapped School starting and us leaving, we were sure we could leave in a civil manner without having any problems because in the back of our mind we thought "they can't possibly stop us from leaving the country".

WRONG!!! After receiving a threatening phone call on the Friday, saying that if we do not send Marley to school on Monday then she would be put on the child protection services list we decided to do a bit of research.

This coupled with a tip off from one of our followers we found out that the Swedish government frequently kidnap children from homeschooling families as they attempt to flee the country.

This was not going to happen on my watch so in the early hours of Monday morning we packed up our tinyhouse and headed for the nearest unmanned boarder, fleeing like fugitives was not how we had planned our exit from Sweden but there was no way we could risk them getting their slimy hands on our precious Marley.

It was a 4hr drive to the border and Louise held Marley TIGHT the whole way. A Mothers love for her child is undeniable.

When The Swedish Government Throws You Lemons,
You Make Lemonade.........In Finland!!!!

Leaving this way has cost us dearly, both financially and emotionally, we never got to say goodbye to our loved ones and don't know when we will see them again, our freedom has come at a cost but it was worth every penny.
I never in my life thought I would be so happy to see this sign, to most people this sign says Finland but to us it said FREEDOM!!! We knew once we had passed this sign, we would never have to worry about losing our child again.

We count our selves lucky that we were made aware of these horrors just before it was too late, we believe if these parents knew of children been taken in swat style raids by these militant governments, then they might have taken drastic action like we did and they might still have their children today.

Please join me on my mission of exposing these atrocities to the world, if you have noticed the rules getting stricter on homeschooling thats because state ownership of children is coming to a country near you, unless we stand together and make a fuss then it will go ahead as planned just as it has in Sweden and Germany, in Germany, not only do they take your kids but they also put you in prison for attempting to homeschool YOUR children.

I will leave you with links of just two horror stories but I suggest you do your own research.

Prison for Homeschoolers in Germany

Child snatched from a plane never to be returned as parent attempt to leave Sweden

The revolution will not be televised, or on facebook but it will be on STEEMIT!!!!!

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