I'm Not Afraid Of Corporate America's Suppression [Lee Camp / Redacted Tonight]

I'm not sure if Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight is on Steemit yet (it doesn't seem like it), but he should be. Check out this video he's made and is sending out via email, asking people to share. That's what I'm doing here.

Don't you think Steemit would be a great platform for Redacted Tonight?

The text sent with the email:

Hey -
Here's a web exclusive you won't find anywhere else. As you may know, Twitter sent out hundreds of thousands of emails to people telling them that RUSSIAN BOTS may have gotten to them! I address this insane neo-McCarthyism but also address the personal attacks on me and Redacted Tonight. Straight-to-camera, no bullshit. Click here.
And whether you watch it now or not, please click one of the share buttons below - or leave a comment on the YouTube page. The vital information we put out on the show is being suppressed at every turn. So we need your help to keep growing.
Thank you and keep fighting,

I'm Not Afraid Of Corporate America's Suppression

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