
Molon Labe (or in ancient Greek "μολὼν λαβέ") roughly translates "come and take [them]" which was a term attributed to King Leonidas of Spartan / 300 film fame by the Greek philosopher Plutarch.

( [them] refering to the weapons used to defend themselves against their would be oppressors )

It is said that this phrase comes from writings between the Spartan King Leonidas and the Persian King Xerxes after Xerxes had inferred that the Spartans defending their land should lay down their weapons and submit to his will. On a clay tablet sent by messenger, Leonidas told him to fuck off:


In modern days the term "Molon Labe" has been picked up by 2nd amendment advocates as well as libertarians, used as a stand of defiance against government overreach. While many of the organizations that adopt this type of stance against opposition imposed by their governments are often labeled as terrorists.. often one needs to view the full scope of what is actually going on in the situation before casting shade on those speaking this timeless term of defiance..

Historically when an opposing force or governing body tries to disarm a population atrocity follows shortly after. "Molon Labe" is not a "I will do what I want to" call to arms, but rather a clearly defined stance against those who would otherwise try and impose ill will upon those defending against it.

In an age where illegal mass surveillance and governments forcing their will on folks under the 'guise of public health is running rampant, it's important to remember that we the people are the ones with the power.. Not the fucking feds or their goons.


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