Past, Present, Future

This past one year has had it's ups and downs. I'm sure everyone can relate. We must stay strong through it and and persevere to become the best we can be. I'd like to share some memories I made this past year that made my life better.


I met the most amazing woman ever. She came into my life in 2017. I've never been happier with anyone like I am with her. I'm so thankful to have bonded with her. I love this woman with all my heart and soul.


My best friend is pretty much a hippy. We're both running for office this year for the Libertarian party. He's running for the NC Assembly. I'll be running for the NC Senate.


My mother is my back bone. She gave me the courage to be who I am today. I'm thankful for everything she has taught me. I love my mom.


My nephew is my reason to be successful. I've proven to him that hard work pays off. In a short time I trained and became a correctional officer. I hope he reaches his goals of becoming a police officer.


I got to meet one of my favorite rappers Grieves from Rhymesayers Entertainment in Oct of 2017. His music has been there for me and motivated me.

I wish everyone the best in 2018. Be the person you want to be. Reach for your goals and meet them. Don't let anything stop you from prospering. Save up a nice nest egg. Invest into crypto currency.

As always peace and love,

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