[Freedom of Speech] It's a joke you f!&king c%nts | Count Dankula and the Nazi Pug

This week, a Scottish YouTube comedian who goes by the name of Count Dankula was convicted in a Scottish court of "inciting racial hatred" for releasing a video where he's trained his girlfriends dog to react to certain terrible phrases with a Nazi salute. If you haven't already seen it, I've included the video below.

Unfortunately, for me at least, it's been banned from being viewed in the country. You might have better luck where you are, or just search in YouTube for "m8 yer dugs a nazi". As everyone and their Nan has pointed out, the context of this joke is key, and for it to work as a joke you must accept that Nazis are bad/horrible/terrible etc. and that surely only Nazis would find the joke offensive. This is rightfully being called an attack on Free Speech, and it's something we should all be concerned about, even if you Count Dankula isn't to your personal taste.

The video at the top of this post is from an excellent comedian called Jonathan Pie, who is a fictitious British news reporter, created and played by British actor and comedian Tom Walker. I feel like he sums the whole situation up quite well. The point is comedy is subjective, and there is a place for offensive (or "alternative") comedy in this world. I'm of the opinion that either everything is ok, or nothing is. I think most of us who grew up with the Internet at some point or another adopted an edgy humour when we were teens, and for some reason Nazi jokes always get used. I still have a pencil case from school that me and my friend would doodle swastikas on. Neither of us were at all racist, it just seemed "edgy and cool" at the time, but I keep hold of it as a reminder. Kids eh.

There's no word yet as to what sentence Count Dankula will receive, whether it's jail time or just a fine, but either way the guy does not deserve to have a criminal record for what can only be described as a bad joke. It sets a scary precedent, and strips power away from the people, giving it directly to those in authoritarian positions.

What's your opinion on the situation? Let me know your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below, and as always make sure to follow me for the latest Cryptocurrency, Internet and Pop Culture updates. Until next time, Peace!

The Conviction of Count Dankula Sets a Dangerous Precedent For Freedom of Speech (https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/count-dankula-freedom-of-speech-comedy-joke-iran-offended-a8270631.html)
It's a JOKE! ()

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