Packed House @ Ozzie's for Derrick Broze's Activation Tour ~ #spreadingfreedom

If you saw my last post, you'll know that my Bar, Ozzie's Sports Bar & Grill, hosted Derrick Broze and his partner, Miriam, for his Activation Tour. It focused mainly on technocracy, and understanding what the future holds in terms of government control via social credit scores, micro chipping people, etc...

We did a Jersey Swap, lol.


I didn't really know what to expect in regards to an audience. My upstairs area fits about 10 tables, so around 40 people comfortably for dining. In this circumstance, we removed most of the tables, and set up a bunch of chairs to maximize the space. Even then, we still had a standing room crowd, it was AWESOME to see.


I gander there was close to 60 people at one point, but it got so crowded, a few groups meandered downstairs and grabbed a bite to eat and listened from down below.


Miriam started off with a talk on meditation which was cool. I've never really meditated myself, even though I grasp the benefits, I have a very difficult time trying to get my mind to not think. But after hearing her talk, I'm gonna try and give it a small go here eventually. Even if it's just for a few minutes.

Derrick followed up with a nice story on his background, one which I knew a little bit about, but to hear it from him and for him to share some close personal stories, I got a better understanding of his reasons for doing what he's doing and why he got involved in this quest to begin with.


I'm pretty well versed in technocracy and most of what he elaborated on, but the coolest thing, for me anyway, was that the demographics down here in Bucerias, are not what you would call hip or youthful.

I am 35, and most of the people I see in the freedom circles I follow are relatively close to that age. Sure there are some trail blazers in their 50's, maybe 60's, but I would say those are the outliers.

Besides myself and a few local new friends I've met down here, most of the audience consisted of Boomers.

I was pretty blown away, honestly. Back home in MN, or the States in general, the Boomer population is high and above all about voting and democracy. So to see the older generation, ears and eyes wide open, listening to Derrick talk about things I've been talking about for a long time (while getting consistent eye rolls) was quite the sight to see. It was a real treat, honestly. It gave me more hope for the future to see that this belief in freedom wasn't just limited to the younger crowd yearning for freedom for themselves, but also the older crowd yearning for freedom for future generations.


Overall, it was a great experience. It was really nice to finally meet Derrick after following him on social media all these years. He's a real cool dude, down to earth, and clearly doing great work advancing the freedom movement.

Thanks for reading and thanks to @dbroze for hosting his event at Ozzie's.

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