
The inhabitants of 'the land of the free' could learn a few things from actually free people.
When the govt of mexico doesnt serve the needs of the people, the people take matters into their own hands to get their 'public servants' to listen.
Is it any wonder they get demonized in the msm?

This story is brought to us by the fine folks at https://intercontinentalcry, your source for news from the indigenous struggle to be free from the oppression of the wealthy, worldwide.

From the story:

  • Wixaritari communities of San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán (Wuaut + a), have detained first and second level government officials from Jalisco State in the town of Mesa del Tirador, in protest of the lack of answers to their demands—in particular, the issue of land restitution in Huajimic, in the neighboring state of Nayarit. The state government officially denies that the officials are being ‘forcibly’ detained.

Naturally the govt version differs from the reality, govt invented fake news.

Please take the time to look at what intercontinental cry has been up to over the years.
They have been busy reporting from the frontlines of indigenous struggles since before we all knew fakenews was a thing.

The backstory of the years long struggle to obtain what was taken from them is linked at the bottom of this story.

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