Drug War Stories: Raison D'Etre of RTT: Realizing Tommorrow TODAY!!!!!!

I'm mad as hell, I will continue to take it but like Rod Parsley's ramblings I will be SILENT NO MORE on the wicked empire of Babylon and how the satanist statists that want to violate free will and utilize the coercive apparatuses of the state to telellogically mold free and autonomous people into more desireable citizerns.

Perhaps if no more harmful drugs and no more corpses and child abuse due to drug intervention, then the facts of how people will analyze this major public intervention when they are no longer controlled by corrupt military industrial complex Operation Mockingbird style media--if that ever happens of course?

Some may wonder what prompted the creation of the on going series? We hope the series ends very soon but it currently appears the leviathan and that Cage everyone for bullshit industrial complex have no plans for not screwing over the plebeians. Looking like the series may very well extend beyond when the organism writing this long expires--unless we start living forever of course, or good starts to finally triumph.

The borg collectivists want to make us all gray and love authority and salivate when they bells ring and shop and spend until the debt just locks you in. But essentially confident one might be in that as many look back on the slave masters and nazis of yesterday as storm trooper sell outs it is anticipated soon the failed War on Drugs and its enablers and continuers will be looked upon similarly. You'd think they learnt the lessons of the Volstead act, but maybe they did and to some extent it was all about control.

Please report if you hear about how the drug war has hurt people you know? People who cant go into the college debt crisis due to weed conviction, or felons, or people who died due to stress. How would you rate the war on drugs efficiency and/or effectiveness on a 7 point Likert Scale of 1-2 negative, 3 neutral 4-5 positive, post below you response to participate and fit in like a goddamned sheep.

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