What would you ask Adam Kokesh? (Interview with a Revolutionary)

My Fellow Steemians


If you got so fed up with an issue, would you do something about it or let it fester? What if that issue was your own government? For some reason, people tend to be ok watching the government and their cronies rape their people while they focus on whatever insignificant trend has overtaken social media for the day. Sometimes, I can't blame the lot of society. The whole system all seems to be one giant rigged joke, and there doesn't seem to be much left for options. A common saying here in the States is that we should "pick the lesser of two evils." Why are we so convinced we can only choose two people that the public already recognize as evil and not representative of the people? What kind of shit is that?

Needless to say, I have given up hope completely in my government, as they have shown themselves time and time again they do not represent the people, and should not be trusted.

So I've been searching and observing....

Opening myself to new ideas and alternative solutions....

And I must say that I find the notion of Anarchy and Voluntaryism highly intriguing these days.

The first bit of hope I began to have back in society was how much cryptocurrencies were getting more attention and acceptance by the greater public. A currency that is not controlled by the Federal Reserve/Treasury of the US of A?! Fuck yeah! This sounded like something that could potentially return some power back to the people and usurp it from our masters. I got a glimmer of hope.

Then I found out about Steemit. I met all of you lovely people who represent this space:

A community chalk full of people with new ideas

And a means to realize them

One such person I only recently came to learn of is @adamkokesh. Retired veteran, political activist, and member of the Libertarian party. As someone new to what this party is actually all about, I started doing a bit of research on it. From the Libertarian Party Official Site:

"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power. "

In listening to a recent debate Kokesh had with Larken Rose (which I will post the link to below), I can see how Libertarianism could be synonymous with Voluntaryism or Anarchism.

The concept all these ideologies seem to have in common is the removal or powering down of the authoritarian Federal Government, and re-establishing civil liberties and self ownership back unto the public. @adamkokesh seems to have a rather revolutionary idea regarding what should be done with the Federal Government, and his book Freedom caught my attention when I read about it on his Steemit:

"My name is Adam Kokesh & I’m running for President to dissolve the federal government in a peaceful, orderly, responsible manner. On day one, I will resign to become “Custodian of the Federal Government” to oversee this process like a bankruptcy agent. We are turning the election into a referendum on whether or not the federal government should be allowed to exist at all. We do not need to be united under one government to be united in American values, and America is certainly too good for THIS government! To learn more about the platform, please go to KokeshForPresident.com. We will make government peaceful and voluntary by localizing it all the way to the community. We will live up to the promise of the first American revolution, and #FinallyFreeAmerica."


Cover for Adam's Book Freedom

I have never heard anyone in my life mention such a radical means of dismantling the Federal Government. As someone who has no trust or faith left in the Fed, this sounded very appealing to me. I downloaded the book. I started looking more into this man and got more and more intrigued, and then I find out he will be an hour away from me in less than a week!

Quickly I reached out over social media, because I wanted to meet this man, get a better idea what he is all about, and inform everyone I know about people like him who are coming up with new ideas on how to handle this broken system. I feel it important for people to be aware of all the political ideas out there, especially since what is fed to us generally has either leftist or rightist leanings. People generally have no idea what the Libertarian party is all about, much less what Voluntaryism is.

To my surprise, Kokesh's press secretary responded promptly to my email, and we scheduled an interview!!! I am very excited to have a chance to meet the man in the flesh and pick his brain a little bit! I have some ideas about some of the questions I would ask him, but I thought it would be cool to hear from the Steemit community on this! So......

What would you ask Adam Kokesh?

Chime in below! I am going to record the interview with him, and post it over my Steemit (maybe even over our radio show Voices from the Mountains). If I end up using your question during the interview, I would absolutely give you credit for it! This is all about community, so I think there is no better way to discuss these topics than to engage with the community. I have linked to his Steemit blog, as well as his website on this blog post, so if you are new to him and these ideas, definitely go visit those links and inform yourself. Let's talk!


Don't forget to support the cause! I am pretty new to these views myself, and would love to know what you and everyone else thinks about it. The first step in recovery is admitting we have a problem. Folks, we have a problem! What can we do about it? I look forward to healthy conversation :)



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