Positive Insignificance - Why I Don't Matter


The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving.

I realized my insignificance in this world, there are too many things going on out there, a lot to discover just to satisfy my own curiosity. I wanted to know it all and understand it all.

However, there’s no point, I could never find the answers to the great why. My mind is finite, and I don't mind.

I just have to accept the reality that I’m nothing but a tiny drop in the ocean, a tiny speck in the universe. And I don’t matter.

There is no point in all this bickering, ego defense, and meaningless fight because I can never know for certain that what I know is real or what I think is true is true. I will always switch back and forth between two states - happy and sad, pain and pleasure, peace and chaos. Let people disagree, let them unlike because in the end, they don’t matter and neither do I. We thought we already understood each other but we don’t. The universe is huge, that in a hundred billions galaxies we will not find one another.

Sometimes I wake up wondering if I am really awake or is this just another dream, or perhaps a dream within a dream. It makes me think all the time, what if all of this is nothing but a dream? All I know is that my time here on earth is too short to spend every waking moment trying to think of the answers, and what I can only do is embrace the unknown. The freedom in nothingness.

I try to have a place in this world, try to be ahead, try to have more, try to reach all the corners of the world but in the end, nothing really matters but the present moment. The life to be enjoyed is right here and right now. I am only a small creature in this vast universe. There is no time to be bored, this is the best time to feel alive.

There is freedom in not knowing it all and there is comfort in embracing paradox. I can never be sure of anything, I may not understand everything and I don’t have to agree with something. But I will just go with the flow, enjoying the current that will take me somewhere.

I am free to do anything, not having to think all the time all this why and what-if. My life is a blank canvas and I'm free to draw whatever I want and color it. But I won’t be limited to coloring within the shapes. I will color outside the lines. I will go wrong and break the rules.

Infinite possibilities, this is an exciting time! Don’t put me in a box. Let me swim in this vast ocean, and let me float in the endless water without thinking. For me, just this moment exists... and nothing else matters.

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