Hello everyone, there is someone that I would like to share with you today and I have noticed the change happening throughout my whole life.


When freedom has been given to the people, a lot of them abuses this freedom and ruins it for the rest of us like stealing, killing, cheating, etc. So rules and regulations had to jump in to combat that, to put fear on people that if they dare to break the rules, they are threaten with prison time right?

Well, as time passes by, more and more rules are being put into place by our own governments all across the world because someone out there abused the freedom out there before. We understand that rules are placed for a reason, especially when it helps to balance out the good and punish the bad as much as possible.

Of course it does get to a point that there are too many rules preventing us from doing what we really want because it is deemed socially unacceptable in today's standard when in the past, it was perfectly acceptable to do so. In fact, many laws in the USA does not apply to many other parts of the world and vice versa.

EXAMPLE = In China, facebook, youtube and twitter are banned while in the USA is not. In North Korea, the rules are ridiculous like only having certain hair styles and carrying a bible... both if broken, you are sent to a prison camp... Thats horsecrap :P

Another good example has to do with my workplace... yes... the 9-5 enviornment. Before, we were allowed to text, purchase stuff online and watch YouTube videos while we were working believe it or not. We enjoyed the freedom for a good while but just recently since we got a new manager, she enforced us that watching YouTube video and online purchases are no longer allowed.

Before we can be like 10 minutes late at work and it was okay since we always caught up with work, NOW we are all required to punch in online at the exact hour we enter or else we are marked as late... So being even 1-2 minutes late can risk your job which I fall in that category.

I know it puts people in line but I feel it gives us a lot less freedom than we had before because they are monitoring us in almost everything we do and a couple of years back, it was a lot more chill which it was a great enviornment for me. I feel as time passes, it will continue to get more stricter and stricter to the point that maybe one day they will not even let us listen to music... :P

Anyways, how do you guys feel about this topic? Comment below your thoughts and give it an upload if you find this with value. And feel free to point anything out that I may have missed to mention here. So until next time, take care, God Bless and STAY COOL! :D Bai bai!

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