How To Decrease Violence

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Every time someone supports most laws, they are supporting violence. Most laws actually cause violence against people who are not being violent at all. Laws create violence where there was no violence before. We only need a few simple rules and principles to stop violence and create a peaceful world.

Have you thought about that? It doesn't matter how inconsequential it may seem. Perhaps it's a law or regulation for some type of industry, profession, or art. How do you think those laws are going to be enforced?

Through violence or the threat of violence.

We can't claim to be peaceful people and support violence on nonviolent people.

If someone disagrees with the new law you supported or even voted on, then they may be met with violence or threat of violence. You are literally advocating violence on your neighbor if they don't go along with it.

Do you think someone has the right to tell you that you can't do something that doesn't harm anyone else?

But, it's distant from you and you're not doing the hurting, so it seems like you are innocent. But if you lobby for a new law, you are responsible for all the people that get hurt from it. Most laws are for nonviolent "crimes" or "crimes" with no victims. So do you want to see people who violate a nonviolent "crime" be hurt with violence or threat of violence?


Do you know most laws or regulations are only for control? It's for the sake of creating a monopoly or decreasing competition. How is it decreasing competition? Through violence. If you braid your neighbors hair for a mutual exchange of money, and you don't go to beauty school and get a permit, you will be met with threat of violence. The threat of violence will be to pay a fine. If you refuse to pay a fine, you will be kidnapped and thrown in jail. If you resist, you will be met with violence. This is happening.

Maybe you've never thought about this before. But, you are still responsible. Do you want to have Freedom? Or do you want to control other people? The bad thing about advocating any laws that control other people is that it can be turned against you. Do you think someone has the right to tell you that you can't do something that doesn't harm anyone else?

Laws create violence where there was no violence before. We only need a few simple rules and principles.

Principles > Laws

We can solve our problems in a peaceful way with no violence. First, we run what we think is a problem through a filter.

  1. Does it violate the Non-Aggression Principle and Self-Ownership?
  2. Does it hurt noone?

If the answer to the first question is yes then it is morally wrong.

If the answer to the second question is yes then it is morally ok.

It's really very simple.

Thank you for reading. If you love Freedom, please Follow and support. Let's spread Freedom and makes this world a better and more free place. Let's stand up and stop letting our rights be trampled on and violated. I say trampled on and violated instead of taken away because rights can never be taken away. They are inalienable.

For a deeper understanding of freedom, I recommend reading FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh. You can find his free audio book and also several digital versions in the link below. You can also follow and support him here on Steemit @adamkokesh

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