Breaking Paradigms Chapter 4 - The Freedom I Wanted so, Becoming a Reality - Work From Home - My Target...What Is Your?

Hello Steemians, hope everyone is doing well

On this post I wanted to continue this series of chapters I’ve been working on, the talk on paradigms I find to be very important for everyone, and they were key to my own journey.

I do recommend that you check out the other posts on the subject, so that this whole thing makes more sense to you.

Let’s continue.

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After about three years of having closed the office, moving all operations to my home office, I started to allocate time to take on another journey. To learn the financial markets, and tackling the beast.

I started learning about stock trading, and found myself deep in research for many months.

Believe me, you must focus a lot to learn how to tame the “beast”, it took more than six months for me to feel comfortable on my analysis and take the first steps investing in the markets, but I had done a lot of research prior to that moment as you would imagine.

I can tell you, the moment you invest your own money into a business venture, almost independent of the amount, you start to feel that tingling in your spine. But you have to learn to be cold, have a strong gut, you can’t react emotionally to it going up or down, because that is precisely how you lose the game.

With time it becomes more natural, and with knowledge you become more confident in the steps you take, you find yourself taking bigger risks because you are armed with new knowledge that you did not have in the very beginning.

This phase of my life was very intense, and to explain it in detail would take me 500 posts, to encompass all that I had to research to get my feet wet, but as a general overview, I chose 40 companies that I was going to research about, studied their statements, and determined their real value, this was a way to eliminate the ones that I did not feel comfortable with. In the end I arrived to the conclusion that I would only trade 20 of them.

In the first months I was able to make on average about 1.5% per day on a good day, and with the passing of time, I was able to get up to 3% per day. It may not seem much to some that deal with very aggressive operations on the stock exchange, but I can guarantee you it’s not bad at all. Of course a lot of it has to do with the capital you are investing with and how you are budgeting your life.

For me this signified a great source of revenue, and dedicated myself to this very thing for over a year every single day. After a while, other endeavours started to take up more of my time and staying so long in front of a computer screen started to take its toll. After all I would not leave the computer until I had hit my target of 3%, I was that determined. But I can guarantee you, the revenue I made was more than enough to allow me to have my financial freedom, and that is the important here.

“Having your financial freedom”

To sum things up, the important message I want to leave you with is the following:

“Breaking the old paradigms was the first step for me to be able to venture into a different frontier”

The fact that I decided to work from home was very important so that I could even try to do this, so that I had the time to study the finance market, and build a system of revenue through it. I owed this opportunity to my previous choices.

I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.

See you on the next post


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