Release Yourself from being Bound, Be free and have Life through Your Spoken Word and Declaration

This is an example of how I speak and pray for breakthrough and victory in my life.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your Son Jesus who allowed Himself to be sacrificed so that I could have life in Him and be with you forever.

I decree that I am in The Light of the world as I am a follower of Christ.

I decree that I am continually being built up and established in my faith because I am firmly rooted in Christ.

I decree that I am Righteous as I am in Christ and I am a faithful representative of The Most High God.

I decree that because I am in Christ, it is no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me and operates through my being.

I decree that because Jesus removed the chains that had me bound and I am now set free and because Jesus set me free, I am free indeed!

I decree that I am now a joint heir with Christ and I have an equal share in Jesus' inheritance.

I decree that because all that I have is Christ and all Christ has is mine, I am a trusted and faithful steward of great wealth.

I decree that God operates through me supernaturally because I yield all that I am to Him and He empowers me with His power and authority by enabling me to overcome all things, all powers, all darkness all of the time. I prevail in Christ always as I fight the good fight of faith.

I decree that I do not get sick nor am I effected by any type of spirit of infirmity. I am healed and made whole from the top of my head to the soles of my feet by the stripes that Jesus received on the whipping post. Therefore I can boldly declare that I am a son of God and no weapon formed against me will ever prosper.

I decree that when my enemies come in like a flood that my Father YHWH lifts up a standard against them as He is the one who protects me and fights for me.

I decree that because I am anointed by God, He places a hedge of protection around me that my enemies can not penetrate.

I decree that The Almighty God, My Heavenly Father has given me The Mind of Christ, The Spirit of Wisdom, knowledge and understanding of all things as I have need of them. I have supernatural favor with all men and even my enemies respect me as they yield to The Holy Spirit who lives through me.

I decree that I have been given supernatural abilities to recognize and expose the works of Satan and all of his dark servants. Therefore because His plans and tactics are brought forth to the light they will become of no effect and all of his lies will be exposed rendering him powerless and defeated at every turn.

I decree that The Ancient of Days, The Almighty God, my Father in Heaven is the one who blesses me and supplies all that I need. Because I have taken on the needs of others, their needs become my needs and I have more than enough to help anyone that asks of me. I am a cheerful giver and God gives me great ideas for making money and I have more than enough because I have multiple streams of income. These streams of income will never stop producing unless another is immediately raised up to take its place.

I decree that these statements are spoken by me in accordance to The Word of God and I say it is done according to His Word and I release this Word upon the earth and say "Let it be so"! Amen

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Declarations taken from Holy Scriptures as presented in NIV, KJV, NKJV,
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