Black History Fact

This will shock most people, Especially Black Americans. Many Black Americans did not come on slave ships. In fact many were already here. I am white and am only presenting the knowledge as I am receiving it. It turns out black history was rewritten to keep the truth from the incredible size of the indigenous people that were before Columbus. The Indian population was decimated to near extinction. And the black population was lead to believe that they came from Africa so they wouldn't know the real truth. Truly our country has been incorporated and the constitution rewritten. Anyone not in the new world order scheme is targeted for early demise. That includes all colors of people not in the ruling class. All peoples worldwide have been lied to and need to wake up and claim their heritage. I being 65 years old clearly remember when they went door to door selling new encyclopedias and would take the old ones away for free. I read the first ones and noticed the difference right away. The self asserted leaders of the world are manipulating and destroying the earth though the false dependence on oil. (salt water will burn violently when High energy frequency is applied.) Most diseases are man made and our food is also being genetically manipulated . Its all so they can stay in power.
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it. A lot more info to come. Love your brother man. All colors.

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