How Could A World Government Look Like, That Gives All Power To The People?


Watching the history of mankind and the way humans behave, I ask myself this question and want to invite you to play this little mind game.

Some time ago, someone created a place that is called „the internet“. We all know, that it has the ability to connect people all around the planet.

And we all know, that there might be global problems, that need to be solved. Such as poverty, conflicts between nations, climate change...

We already have something like a world government. It is called the „UNO“. But somehow I never get the feeling, that it has much power on our planet.

The candidates for it can‘t be voted by normal people. So why should I even care about the UNO?
Can a world government ever be democratic, when normal people can‘t influence it?

If I could make a wish, people on this planet would make decisions, that the leaders on our planet would have to follow.

Everyone would have access to vote for solutions on global issues.

We have a world government. We have the internet. We even have blockchains now.

In theory it would be possible. But of corse, this will most likely never happen. As long as there is no working together, but fights about national interests and fights about interests inside of nations.

But ain‘t it fun, dreaming a little?


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