Freedom Is A Sensitive Flower-Anarchists Take Care!


What are you talking about, when you say the word „freedom“? Are you talking about your personal freedom or the freedom of others?

Watching people discuss on Steemit about this big word sometimes is kind of bizarre

There are capitalists fighting against communists here.
The funny thing about this:
both of them like to call themselves anarchists!

Have you ever realized that?

So who is the real anarchist?

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Is it the one that wants the personal aspect to be the most important one („taxes are theft“)?
Or the one, that wants the community aspect to be the most important one („everyone should get a share“)?

Would those share by free will, who say „taxes are theft“? And would those who say „everyone should get a share“ share by free will, if they would have something to share?

Steemit is a microcosm showing what‘s going on on our planet

It‘s so often always all about the money!

Those who have money on Steemit tell those who have none: „you should be okay with this, this is the system(!!!)“.
Those who have no money tell those who have some: „you don‘t care about the community“.

We all have our own ideas of freedom. And our own idea, of how freedom can be achieved the best way. Wether it‘s called religion, communism, democracy, anarchy or blockchains.
The idea of freedom is much bigger than all of this!

Could all of us feel free in anarchy as long as greed is ruling mankind? And who has more right to be greedy? The rich ones or the poor ones? Is there a natural right for being greedy at all?

Freedom to me is freedom of mind. Not freedom of money

When we mean money... I guess we should talk about money, not about freedom?

In cryptos and on Steemit these things are kind of mixed up together. Yes, maybe noone should be forced to share money.

So the solution could be that we do this by free will?


Anarchy at the moment is against the idea of freedom of most of the other people in the world.
They won‘t change their ideas of freedom just because of a few people wanting a non-system.
And forcing them into it is against the idea of freedom!

Not paying your taxes is against their idea of freedom!

When we are blind for this aspect and behave like laws already don‘t exist, we will see cryptos vanishing. Because in their eyes not paying taxes is theft from the community! And if the crypto community means they can just take themselves more freedom than others already have, we will see our systems react to this!

If you want more freedom, this can only be achieved with letting people believe in their own ideas of freedom and allow them to follow them. It can only be achieved by giving them better ideas and changing their heads.

Fighting about freedom is the most stupid thing we can do!

Freedom is all about being peaceful. And finding peaceful ways to achieve more freedom for all of us. The most peaceful way to achieve this is a revolution of mind, not one of systems.

Before systems can change, minds have to change

So where are all the people on the streets, showing others a peaceful idea of freedom?

There are many more people out there that are angry about our political systems and want to see some changes. Who want more freedom and a better way of living. But that doesn‘t mean that they will all become anarchists.

Anarchy isn‘t something that you can force others into.
Because forcing anyone is the opposite idea of anarchy.

It is something that just has to happen out of free will of each one of us! Or it won’t be real anarchy. And because of that it is most likely something that will never be achieved.

That doesn‘t mean that fighting for freedom isn‘t a great thing to do!

But take care and remember:

Fighting AGAINST something is the opposite of fighting FOR something!

People on Steemit and generally in cryptos are a big step ahead of the rest of the world!

We all are early freedom adopters here!

So what is the point in fighting about freedom here on Steemit AT ALL? We should fight FOR it!

Not against each other.

We should just put some sensitive flowers in our hair, come together and show the world!

Freedom and peace to all of you!

This one goes out to you @surfermarly... We can ride the waves!


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