Can the World ever be in complete Freedom.

Taking credit from what we all witness in the current and even from the past, there are so many things which have taken place and we all have to come to agree that absolute freedom can never be found on earth and thats what i believe because of what i will share in this article. The moment i say this is because there are so many things which have currently been going on in the world and especially wars due to various struggles most especially political, economical and ecclesiastical.


  • Starting from my own country and continent as African, we all have to agree that there is a lot of exploitation by the leaders who normally are in power and there is a big problem when it comes to steeping out of presidential seats and that brings about a lot of turmoil especially when oppositions come to criticize their regimes of such presidents. This is so common on the African continent especially by those who dont want to live power and having all the army backing up them leads to complete abuse of such human rights and freedoms. They trample on those in the lowest status and only elevate those who may have serious threats to the existing Gov't.

I have witnessed this in my own country where there is no freedom yet the nation pretends to have freedom and democracy but i can even say there is no such a thing as free rule of the people. Instead there is dictatorship which is now a common vice on the continent though am not sure of other nations but this has been the trend for many decades in Africa where ruling Gov'ts insist and keep themselves in power due to lack of resistance whom their hands have been tied hands from speaking.

Economical structure

In the world there is no economical freedom because as i talk now we all all in a cage where there are specific people who are incharge of all money in the world and that can alone put us down when it comes to ownership of finance and unless we understand the workings of these top secrete institutions, we will not appreciate that the new world Order economic order is being formulated in our time, then we should begin fighting and get to that dominion . The group of the 300 people are those who are in charge of this world and its with in their power to pull the plug when it comes to any financial nature. These people own the economist magazine is owned by them and that makes them to be in full control of the Babylonian system and that make it easy for them to do as they are pleased.


On this topic, this is the one which talks about Christendom or our dogma which is basically based on the belief systems and this calls for total control of all those who hold their belief system as sacrosanct. We have all heard of the different rebel groups in the Middle East and this has created a lot of political instability in the world and claiming many people on earth. With wars almost every where in the world. There is no way some one can say there is freedom in the world by looking at the ecclesiastical context. In the middle east, people are fighting for their religions or belief systems and that alone can deprive peace from the earth and therefore we have to position ourselves in the best area and that is where we ought to get saved.

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