The evolution of money a way to freedom?

The persons rejecting cryptocurrency as a Trend that will blow over , are just neglecting the inevitable. MOney has during history changed form and developed many times. This is quite natural the evolution of money has always been questioned by people not understanding that change is natural and cant be stopped . If it weren't for change we would still be in caves and trade stones or beads.The transition from trading in commodities to coins and then to bills which formed in to checks which later became cards etc has always had the agenda to make life simpler .But !!! nowadays we see the transition by the banks into a cashless society with total control. I see cryptocurrency as a answer to this finally people can make a choice and bypass the banks, the cryptocurrencies are taking back the power to the people and many of these currencies are supported by people trying to gain freedom from bankster gangsters. I really hope that we can achieve a better society with this new and amazing technology which can be used as a currency amongst a lot of other things. The only fear i have is that states will hijack crypto and enforce us to their own centralised bs currency , but i think the crypto movement is to strong for that right now , LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!!! WE CANT BE STOPPED!!

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