are we ready to stand upon, and exercise, our Rights?

Rights are like muscles. when either are not exercised, they diminish.

know yOUR Rights? video introduction to “Know your Reitz!”

any and all North American, woman and/or man, who are born onto the Land of one of the fifty States united, are naturally born into the political status ofAmerican States National-(Ones born on State)”!

e.g. attilio-cesare was born into the status of American States National - Californian jus soli

each State of the union is a Lawful Country, in of itself, each with their own original organic unincorporated constitution!

constitutions are typically limiting documents for CORPORATIONS or unincorporated body-politics, containing bylaws and statutes as governance rules and codes for the ENTITY itself and its consenting-voluntary membership. (e.g. THE ABC CORPORATION has its constitution with the details of how IT and ITs employees will operate, and the rules by which they will follow for themselves.)

…however, via an orchestrated fraud-deception of the highest caliber, we were most all forced into the diminished political and societal status of UNITED STATES, INCORPORATED Citizen (i.e. U.S. Citizen) by way of our mother’s being coerced into signing, as…
”informant”, an application for Birth (i.e. the berthing of a sea-going vessel, in the “sea jurisdiction”, of COMMERCE, at the hands of a Dock-tor, dry-docking onto the Land and Soil of the earth-plane-of-existence) Registration (i.e. surrender to the Registrar-King, also known as “THE CHURCH&STATE” or, what i refer to as, “THE beast SYSTEM”)

from :

”The first beast comes ‘out of the sea’ and is given authority and power by the dragon. This first beast is initially mentioned in Revelation 11:7 as coming out of the abyss…”

this is all a kin to piracy 🏴‍☠️ on-the-high-seas via Admiralty and/or Maritime law (which is not “Law” at all!)

however, THE beast SYSTEM does have ITs rules and codes, and there is usually always some sort of remedy, therein, whereby woman and man can find safe harbor!

learn the steps to correcting yOUR political status here!

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