Do You care about Your Freedom?

I find myself questioning are we free enough? Is there a limit to how free we can be? Are we slowly losing our freedom?

Bill of Rights

Deep thoughts I know but very serious questions. Now I don't delude myself into believing that we are not the freest country there is. No country in the world has as much freedom as the United States. Not Canada, not the UK, and definitely not Japan.

Our bill of rights is very much uniquely American. No country has 100% free speech like the 1st Amendment provides us.

I think every day we are fighting for our rights because there are other Americans that think it's a good idea to limit our rights. They are on both the Republican and Democrat side of things.

Both want to limit our free speech because they don't like hearing us say how crappy they are doing. The Democrats want to take away our second amendment and the Republicans want to strip away due process.

Both parties are not worth our trust. I can't understand how any American who believes in freedom would want to limit any one of the Bill of Rights.

I would like to encourage you to think about ways you have limits on your freedom and post them in the comment below and an upvote is all ways appreciated.

Talk to you Later,

Josh Light
The host of the Texas Freedom Cast

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