Cry For Freedom


Thunder shakes the ground as a child hides in the corner of a crumbling building that used to be her home. She stares at her crying mother as she pushes her down to the floor. In a fury of destruction, fire and ash blind her for life stripping the gift of sight and both her parents from her forever. Fear and pain are now her parents as she pushes the charred remains of her mother from her body. Will she be found before she starves to death? Will the blood coming from her body stop? Will the ringing in her ears end, bringing back the sounds of warfare? Will her family find her or will it be the boot of an American soldier? That’s right a boot of an American soldier!

That thunder was an American bomb. This story of hell is being waged on hundreds or thousands of children across the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Pakistan by war profiteers in the American government. Many children’s lives have been destroyed by war over what? Money, Oil, Gold, Power, Does it matter? This face of Murder and Torture is paid for by you! This is your so called “Leaders” fighting the “War on Terror” from their Palaces in Washington D.C. This is the might of the largest band of war criminals the world has ever known, your government. It is not by my consent.

In the conflicts in Iraq and Syria between August 2014 and October 2017 the estimated civilian casualties reported by Airwars is 5,961 [1]. This is just the number that are known. It isn’t like there is someone standing in every city taking notes. The number of air strikes reported by the government is 28,000. Keep in mind that we are not getting updates on the nightly news because we are not “actively engaging the enemy.” We are not at war with any country, yet we had 28,000 air strikes[1].

This is only the direct and likely low numbers of civilian casualties including children. There is no way to quantify the indirect casualties such as the death of children and families fleeing these areas. As an example of this, a picture surfaced of a 3 year old boy who drowned fleeing Syria. This number also does not include the children killed along the road or at U.S. ran checkpoints[2].

Also not included in this number are the hundreds of children killed by our “allies” such as Saudi Arabia. In Yemen the Saudi Government has been accused of “38 attacks on schools and hospitals,” resulting in “683 child casualties during 2016[3].” Your money paid to murder those children as well.

These murders at the hands of the government of the United States are just beginning of this government’s war on children. In 2014 a flash grenade was thrown through a window of a 19 month old baby’s crib in a drug raid in Georgia[4]. This child was put in a medically induced coma because of the burns. I disagree with the drug war but at least they could get the address right. In California a two year old was treated for burns in a similar incident and the police had the wrong house[5].

Recently Attorney General Jeff Sessions has decided to go to court to take medicine from 12-year-olds, Alexis Bortell of Colorado. Alexis takes Cannabis oil to treat her epilepsy[6]. To what end will the government go to attack our children?

Why do I fight for Freedom? This is why I fight for freedom. This is why I spend hours and hours every week trying to destroy tyranny, yes tyranny. Our government is tyrannical. Some might say I am overreacting. Really, I am overreacting when these numbers are so high and offenses so great. Children are our future, as the saying goes, and our government when they are not indoctrinating our kids in our schools, or poisoning them with forced vaccination, are directly attacking them both in this country and around the world.

The government apologists say that we are fighting to free those people and these children are simply caught up as collateral damage. They say we cannot prevent the occasional child being killed, minutes after bragging how we have the technology to pinpoint strike terrorists. There are terrorists in this world to be sure. Our government is a huge group of them.

I am a father of four wonderful children and a grandfather to a beautiful grandchild. In my political life I am an activist and am helping Adam Kokesh in his bid to become the Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, but in my professional life I work with special needs children. I look everyday into the eyes of disabled children. Thinking of these children, tears fill my eyes for both my own children and the children that I work with. I have titled this post “Cry For Freedom.” That title is supposed to have two meanings.

The more important meaning is that I will scream until I no longer have a voice until the injustices of this government stop. I will shout at all of those men and women that pass laws meant to strip us of our natural rights. I will CRY for Freedom for my children and your children even if it costs me my life and my freedom because it is in my right to do so.
This is why we fight. Adam Kokesh is running for president to peacefully dissolve the federal government and hand control back to the individual. The lovers of these murderers say, it can’t be done, or the government is too strong. Those founding fathers that so many deify did not sit idly by and allow the British government to violate them. They sacrificed all they had to set us free. We are not less than they are. Our battle is no less important. These are our children that have the dream of Liberty being stolen from them. Our children are having their future stolen through taxation. That Baby in the crib is being flash bombed so that we will fear the police. Those children in Iraq and Syria, or anywhere else are no less deserving of life and freedom. With my dying breath if need be I will stand for these children against this government. I will be heard when I CRY FOR FREEDOM!

Thomas Paine said “When we contemplate the fall of Empires and the extinction of nations of the ancient world, we see but little to excite our regret than the moldering ruins of pompous palaces, magnificent monuments, lofty pyramids, and walls and towers of the most costly workmanship. But when the Empire of America shall fall, the subject for contemplative sorrow will be infinitely greater than crumbling brass or marble can inspire. It will not then be said, here stood a temple of vast antiquity,—here rose a Babel of invisible height, or there a palace of sumptuous extravagance; but here, ah painful thought! the noblest work of human wisdom, the grandest scene of human glory, the fair cause of freedom rose and fell![7]" It will not happen while I still am alive.

-Marcus Pulis,
Press Secretery,
Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project


  7. Thomas Paine: Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Birth of Modern Nations By Craig Nelson
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