virtual pub - welcome to my pub

Virtual Pub is a RPG bar game in which there are many upgrades to improve your bar income and finally your bitcoin income.
Play and earn together here:

How to play
First step: Register. You need to provie VALID e-mail address – you will receive your confirmation link here (and later withdraw confirmations too). Nickname – username – you will log in with this name. Your valid BTC address – it cannot be chaned later (only with my support after signing a messae), and your password. Also you need to solve one ReCaptcha to prove, you are not a bot.
Note: I will not use your e-mail address for personal reasons, it’s just for security and prove, you are a human. Also your password is stored in the database as hash – so it’s in safe place J
After registering , you will receive an e-mail address with confirmation link. After using this link, your registration is complete, and you can log in with your nickname/password.

Gameplay: After successful registration and log in, you will receive 10010 satoshis for the first investments. You will need to invest these satoshis for your startup – unlock your bar, hire a bartender and buy some reserves of beer. The point of this game is to have stable and profitable pub, upgrade your buildings/bartender, make storage reserves and sell the products (beer, wine and whisky) to your customers. Number of customers is limited with seating places, for the beginning you have 5 seats, later you can upgrade them. If you are making good progress, you can unlock science building too and make additional upgrades, that will bring you much more satoshis. In this game, every 4 hours you can claim extra satoshis at the bottom of the page. Later, with satoshi claims, you will receiv Science points too – they are needed to improve your pub. Extra income is coming from tips , that your satisfied customers leaving to you.
Note: This game is a long-run game, at the first stages, you will not make big profit , there is a simple formula: more upgrades/unlocks = more profit. After uprades you will see your balance is growing pretty fast J
The game design: On the top page you will see your account and your balance. Left side is reserved for advertisements, that making an income for your withdrawals. On the right side, you have “cards” with buttons, every “card” is one building or bartender. Some unlocks/upgrades unhiding additional “cards”.
OK let’s explain what “card” is for what and how much costs the upgrades and how they are making profit.

The basic building, everything other is depending of the upgrade level of the bar. This is a non profit building (“card”) but it is needed to make profit.

Level 0: - you need to unlock it to reveal additional buildings…
Level 1: unlock price: 9800 Satoshis – after reaching level 1, you can upgrade the rest of your buildings to level 1.
Level 2: upgrade price: 20.000 satoshis – this upgrade allows you to upgrade all of your buildings to level 2

This guy is needed to serve your customers. If he is not hired, there will be no profit generated.

Level 1: Price: Free - at the bottom of this “card” you see a blue button, that hires your bartender to 60 minutes (for example, if your bartender’s time is 30 minutes, you can extend his time with extra 30 minutes.)
[Image: howto_clip_image001_0001.png]
Level 2: Price: 10.000 satoshis - his maximum working time is 120 minutes,so you need to click less frequently and he will still sell drinks.

Note: Bartender without some drinks in warehouse is making loss (negative profit) – he is just sitting and not selling. It means, you need to buy some beers , wine or whisky (if you have unlocked them).

In the top of bartender's card you can see a progressbar with time, that remaining from his working time (you can extend it unlimited times).

This is the basic drink, it's automatically unlocked for free.
Buying price: 1 liter of beer = 1 satoshi
Selling price: 1 liter of beer = 3 satoshis
Selling interval: approx 1 liter of beer / minute
Maximum amount per purchase: 25. (you can buy more with multiple clicks)
There are no levels.

Wine is needed to be unlocked, unlock price is 1000 satoshis.
Buying price: 1 bottle of wine = 5 satoshi
Selling price: 1 bottle of wine = 10 satoshis
Selling interval: approx 1 bottle of wine / 6 minutes
Maximum amount per purchase: 10. (you can buy more with multiple clicks)
There are no levels.

Whisky is the most profitable drink and it's needed to be unlocked, unlock price is 5000 satoshis.
Buying price: 1 bottle of whisky= 10 satoshi
Selling price: 1 bottle of whisky = 21 satoshis
Selling interval: approx 1 bottle of whisky / 10 minutes
Maximum amount per purchase: 5. (you can buy more with multiple clicks)
There are no levels.

They are needed – it makes space for your customers to sit down and spend their satoshis.
There are 2 primary levels (more can be unlocked with science).
Basic level is for free after upgrading your bar to level 1. It allows you to host 5 guests.
Upgraded level can host 10 guests.

Effect: Alcohol spending 2x faster. Unlock price: 10.000 satoshis.

Need to store your drinks.
Basic level is unlocked automatically after upgrading your bar to level 1 and its capacity is 50.
Level 2 – last upgradable level is available after bar level 2, and its storae capacity is 100 units. More capacity can be reached with science.

As you see, there is a progress bar that showing you how much drinks you have in your warehouse. This limit cannot be exceeded.


This card has one simple function. Clicking to button you will collect all tips left by customers. This amount is random , but it depends on the amount sold until last Tips collection. There are no upgrades available, however the amount of tips can be later modified via science.

Note: Inside this card is one advertisement, don’t click on that, until you aren’t curious of the content of this ad Smile

The science card is locked, until you dont have upraded all other buildings to maximum level. Unlock price is 15.000 satoshis.

After unlockin this card you will earn from bonuses (they are shown every 4 hours on the bottom of the page) also Science points - their amount is random. Your science points amount will be shown in this card's footer.

I am working right now on science part, - documentation of this part coming soon.

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