Free Art Tuesday and Some Crafty Curation #4

What is #freearttuesday?

The free art movement is gaining traction all over the country. It’s become kind of a big deal in my town. Artists and makers of all kinds leave their creations on park benches, library shelves and window ledges of buildings down town with an attached note explaining to the finder that it is free art to be kept, gifted, rehidden or left right where it was found. In the Joplin area, the note might include a link to the Free Art 417 Facebook page so the finder can join the group and post their find.

I’ve also started leaving the address to my Steemit page and an invitation to join and participate in #freearttuesday.

I introduced #freearttuesday in this post I wrote a while back. If you’ve read the post then you know that the payoff for participating can be priceless!!

What Did I Do For #freearttuesday?

This week, last Thursday, was the first Third Thursday street fair of 2018.

You can read more about Joplin's Monthly street fair, in this Walk With Me post.

Before I left to go to Third Thursday, I left this post on Free Art 417, a Facebook page for free art in the Joplin area.


So, I hid the magnets, the tree of life and the little octopus, but I carried the Wookie and the Ewok with me, waiting for someone to spot me.

I didn't have to wait long. We had only been at Third Thursday for a few mintues, when I heard, "I found you!"


I'll definitely be doing something similar next month. That was fun!

Rather than writing out a tag for my free art items this week, I printed some. The tags explain that it's free art, but I also took the opportunity to do some Steemit promotion. You can see one of my tags in this picture of some items that were found and posted on Free Art 417.


I got the idea to use the QR code from this post by @focusnow.

Need Some Inspiration?

If you need some inspiration to get some free art created, you don’t need to look any farther than right here, on Steemit!

@phantum04 gives us a step-by-step for making mosaics out of something I know you have at home!

I think some small mosaics would be excellent for some #freearttuesdays!

Get Featured and Rewarded in Next Weeks #freearttuesday!

Every week I will choose up to 3 #freearttuesday posts to feature in Free Art Tuesday and Some Crafty Curation. Each post featured will get an upvote and a little something in the author’s wallet!

I will also choose up to three craft or art posts with how-to instructions. Those posts will also get an upvote and something in the author’s wallet.

To learn more about what #freearttuesday is, check out this post!

Art is for everyone!!


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