7yuh is

. The magnitude of the resultant force of a 12 N pointing east and a force of 5 N pointing
south is ……….. N.

  1. A vector of magnitude 100 units is inclined at angle 45° to the X-axis. The magnitude of
    X-component is ……… .
    1.vector 2. force 3. zero 4.force 5. vector component 6.opposite
    7.cector 8. scalar 9. same 10. opposite 11. magnitudes 12. vector
  2. displacement 14.vector 15. scalar 16. resultant 17. resultant 18. resolution of a vector 19. arrow 20. different 21. same
  3. greater 23. resultant 24. 13N 25. 70.71 units
    1.two 2.changing 3.acceleration 4.zero 5. same
    6.zero 7.negative 8.speed 9.zero 10.acceleration
    11.negative 12.constant 13.path 14.scalar 15.magnitude
    16.speed 17.constant 18.acceleration 19.accelerated 20.displacement
    21.speed 22.grater 23.velocity 24. acceleration 25.distance
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