True Carbon Credits: An Answer To Global Carbon Emissions


The Black Penny.

For many years there has been the ever growing division of The People when it comes to whether or not Global Warming is a real thing. We are given only one side of the story in just about every case when an expert gets on your television and talks about global warming. Nobody is ever really offered the exposure or support to talk out against global warming simply because its not good for business. We can point fingers at each other and push the "blame" and "guilt" game around all day long but what viable solutions have been offered besides making you pay more of your hard earned money just to exist.

This is bullshit and I can prove it. If you want to pay some random fee that is being stamped on you just because you drive to work, to pay for your house. You have to buy fuel to drive to work and it is already taxed, which you pay for. You will probably pay Carbon Credits for your electricity, water, and if you are a smoker.

In the opening picture you can see six pennies that are black. This is not spray paint, not trick to try and fill your head full of nonsense. These pennies are completed covered in Carbon that has been pulled from the atmosphere and the process is extremely simple and carries minimal safety precautions.

With all of this nonsense going around about blaming Human Beings for their "Carbon Footprint" and purchasing "Carbon Credits" (or however it is being given to the public) - I can tell you one thing about all of it...

It does not matter ANY LONGER, what side of the coin you want to play on regarding Global Warming. These American Pennies are your very own Carbon Credits. When I discovered that I could use Pennies or anything copper in order to collect Carbon, I remember telling my wife, "Pennies are gonna save the World!"

I want to be able to offer you the Scientific Proof that many of you require in order to fully trust what I am showing to the World in this Steemit post but I am sure you can imagine the uphill battle a very small group of people have to endure to stand up against the ones trying to profit from YOU living. My heart tells me that the total amount of Carbon that has collected on these Pennies is roughly about the same amount of Carbon that One vehicle puts into the atmosphere every week. 6 Pennies worth of Carbon and the rest of the emissions are still floating around. Essentially the big corporations have declared war on Carbon, in the same fashion they did with the war on terror and the war on drugs. We are quickly learning new things, seeing old patterns play out that are not in line with the things we want to do with our Country. A constant threat of Nuclear War looming over our heads with propaganda being pumped into our eyes, ears, and society is reaching its breaking point.

So what happens when a group of people with guns and attitudes decide that enough is enough and begin starting trouble? The media loves these kinds of things because they have publicized groups of less than 100 people, told them they were part of a movie and recorded them doing stupid things. Then they would share those stupid things on all of their media connected channels making it seem as though this small group was a complete Nationwide threat. We are too afraid to leave our homes for fear that your neighbor might take something from you or hurt you. Is this the kind of life we want to keep living?

Over the last several years there has been a steady growing number of people that have joined together in an Open Source Technology collaboration. Representatives from every country just about has participated in these experiments and testimonies of Plasma Technology. Plasma that I speak of is not the same kind of Plasma that is currently being studied with current known physics. The Plasma that I speak of is the beginning of our Free Energy movement in that there are already several hundred device variations that are being tested around the world as I write this. People whom have dedicated their entire lives to try and get this technology and understanding out to those who want it and it comes with all the benefits you could imagine.

These Pennies that you see are covered in Carbon atoms that have encased every possible part of the copper surface, leaving just enough space between the carbon atoms to connect a very tiny sized network of induction fields. This natural order of patterning of how the carbon arranged itself on the copper, follows the easiest and most efficient way to cover the copper and is called a Crystalline Pattern. Due to the carbon atoms being in their NATURAL state and were not forced into position they still maintain full speed electron rotation and this interconnected network of electromagnetic fields becomes a ROOM Temperature Super Conductor. The very first layer of Carbon that gets attracted to the copper is what many scientists are identifying as Graphene. This is not visible to the naked eye as it is only one atom thick and as more and more atoms cover the surface, they begin to offset and overlap, which creates layers of this electromagnetic field from the carbon. At about 15,000 layers you can begin to see a soot like appearance on the copper surface and at about 45,000 layers there is a solid black casing of carbon that creates an eggshell around the copper. This shell of carbon has special properties that are not explained by traditional and known physics and allows us access to the Infinite Energy spectrum of the Natural Electromagnetic Field of Earth. Nikola Tesla tried for many years to apply the things he could see in his mind but resources were very limited then. He knew that in his heart he had planted a seed that would grow into a new idea and like so many non ego driven scientists, we want to share the things we have discovered along our way.

Things are not as they always seem and they never have to be as complicated as we make them out to be. To make your own Carbon Credits you can use a simple method of chemistry using the very things you may already have in your homes. I did this in my kitchen and in a few hours the pennies were covered. Imagine the amount of Carbon that could be removed if you just made $1 worth of pennies? Oh yeah, and if you decide to try this out for yourself you could always try new things with your pennies because currently there are several studies being done to get electricity from your pennies.

Adding Zinc metal in this type of configuration has shown great possibilities at providing concepts for a battery you never need to charge.

In the next photo you can see two pennies and a square of Zinc being used in a simple $1 flashlight. So far this flashlight has been on for over 24 hours now without turning off. We will see how long it takes to drain the batteries using these small concepts? If we can show you that you can prolong your battery using this method, then you will be saving a lot of money. We all know how expensive batteries are and the really cool part is, when you make things like this using Plasma Technology, you can make it BIGGER. Your small experiments can be made into a larger unit using the same principles because it is Fractal Energy and you will get the same results but on a much bigger scale.


The next picture is kinda fuzzy due to the poor camera and lighting that I had available a few years ago, this picture is using these pennies and zinc to create a Quantum Field when submerged in salt water. This Quantum Field attracts energy from the Air to the QF and it gets collected in the water. This works in the same way that bullets behave when shot into water but this time the bullet (Neutrino Energy) is pulled from its spiral path and into the Quantum Field where it comes to rest on the bottom of the container. The stuff you can see floating in the fuzzy picture are Neutrinos being collected. These Neutrinos are 100% pure Energy and has been referred to as Manna in the Bible and also The White Philosophers' Stone in the few books of True Alchemy. There are so many things that can be done with, added to, and Created with these easy methods of Energy Extraction. Faster Research and unconditional funding would put products on the market in months and not decades and a path to self sustaining and healthy behaviors for us and our planet.


So if you are still on the fence about which loud mouth wants to rule you next or decide how much in taxes you should pay, then please go ahead and continue to do all of those things. When you are ready to make a decision in your life to make a step in the right direction of a BETTER way of doing business with each other and our planet then look me up. In the meantime, if you are too busy in your life to try any of these things yourself, please just share my words and if you can, donate to our children and our future and help us get the word out.

We can meet every single one of the issues that political leaders are trying to make laws that will allow a complete dependency on our government. We are big boys and girls and we are very capable of caring for ourselves when we want to but our life of ease has brought us into a time that we will remember "the hard way" of basic survival. We have become very comfortable in our safe little boxes that we call homes but what happens when that is no longer there? If your power goes out and your cars are frozen in 3 feet of ice or maybe you had the wonderful experience of living on an island that has been ravaged by hurricane and has no power water or food to sustain the people they love. We have solutions to all of these answers but we need for more people to be able to see the progress that we make on a DAILY basis towards self sustainability.


Hard to see the setting but the meter is reading 2.95Amps dc

Many many Blessings to ALL - I want there to be hope in your hearts when you read this. We are living in times where hope is not in our vocabulary very often due to the grim nature of our disgruntled people we have become. An angry Society that has no reason to be angry OR fearful, yet we are. Together we can make this world a better place and America can once again take the lead in kindness and generosity by sharing what we have, with those who need it.

Love thy Neighbor and become the Peacemakers you were meant to be.

Warmest Regards,

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