!!! Free SBD/STEEM - 1st Aniversary - Honolulu's Birthday Party - Free SBD/STEEM !!!





1st Aniversary - Honolulu's Birthday Party - Free SDB/STEEM !!!

Hipp Hipp Hooray ;-) 1st Aniversary - Honolulu's Birthday Party

= = =

My Story ;-)

I joined Steemit on 29th of August 2017.

Since then I gained nearly 2500 followers, made a little more than 1000 SP and reached rep. 64.

To be honest I invested $ 100 US in STEEM tokens in September 2017 when STEEM Price was around $ 1 US.

With that investment I rented some SP, made use of my 10 daily upvotes, published nearly 3800 posts (incl. Comments).

I cashed out around 40 STEEM when STEEM price was around $ 4 US !!!

So I enhanced my SP and also got back my investment with some interest ( ~ 50 % ^^)...

But Steemit to me was and is more than numbers, STEEM, SP and SBD.

It really changed my life giving me new perspectives and a new approach to www and social media etc.

= = =

Until reaching Steemit I really was very disappointed from all that online money making opportunities - most turnde out as scam or I turned out as untalented for such things - who knows.

I met nice people in here and learned many Skills important for working on www esp. Social Media.

People knowing me from the start will remember my famous and legendary Giveaways and Honolulu's Candypot.

I had to stop them because of getting flagged for good reasons.

But all flags were removed after stoping, so I had no loss at all and many Steemians grew with me.

= = =

I like win-win-situations and so it is time for a new one.


Everybody who resteems this post before payout will receive 0.001 STEEM for every 10 followers he/she/it has:

If you have 100 followers, you will get 0.01 STEEM, 200 -> 0.02, ..., 1000 followers 0.1 STEEM etc. always rounded up to the next 100: 90 = 100, 117 = 200, 225 = 300 etc.

Please comment if you resteemed so I can check it and transfer the tokens...


Everybody who comments on one of my videos on My Youtube Channel

with a real youtube channel (not a fake channel, it has to exist for some time and there must be some serious content in it) in a unspamy serious way and leaves his/her/its youtube username here in commentsection of this post will receive 0.01 STEEM per comment - there are 43 vids, so up to 0.43 STEEM possible.

Who subscribes to my youtubechannel with a real youtube channel (not a fake channel, it has to exist for some time and there must be some serious content in it) will receive an additional 0.05 STEEM. Please in this case also leave your youtubename here in commentsection.


Everybody who shares one of my vids on a real social media account (not a fake channel, it has to exist for some time and there must be some serious content in it) will also earn an additional 0.05 STEEM per share.

Please post link in commentsecton for proof !

All Actions are are limited to max. 2 STEEM per User and up to a total of 100 STEEM.

I will edit the post when limit reached !!!

Spam, fake and abuse won't count...

I am in for one year here on Steemit with rep 64 so you can see I am serious and I expect you to treat this matter serious as well.

I will profit by growing my audience and my presence in www and you will easily earn some STEEM (even if it does not seem to much right now, remember in January 2018 1 STEEM was around $ 10 US and who knows what the future may bring).

Further you will also gain some promotion by displaying your youtube name and socialmedialink here ;-)

Thanks for your support !

And be sure of that one thing: Honolulu loves you :-)





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