CONTEST TIME!! Who wants some FREE Comics and a Funko Pop?!?



Since 2002, the 1st Saturday every May holds a special place in many folks hearts. Why you ask?!? Because across Comic Books shops everywhere, it’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!!!


From store to store, policies vary. Some are free and unlimited. Some require a purchase. Some limit the titles to a handful per person. Some make grab bags. Either way, the event is supposed to be a tremendously fun event for all.


As the owner of the comic shop Conquest Comics in Bayville, this will be my 10th time participating for my store. Each year is better than the year before.


If you are unfamiliar with what the big deal is, let me tell you about it. A bunch of publishers that include Marvel abd DC along with a massive ton of INDY publishers get together with Diamond Comics to create specific comic books for this event. Sometimes it’s brand new content and an entirely new issue. Sometimes it’s to promote something new. Sone years it’s a reprint. It varies. Your local comic book shop then buys the books at a discount rate (usually between .20-.50 cents each) to distribute them on the big day. This is a very important aspect which I will also touch upon in a bit.


The primary objective is actually several objectives. One being the day is designed to get new readers involved. It hopes to get you...yeah you. The person who’s never read a comic in yer whole damn life. It wants to lure you into the shop to pick up some books and give em a chance. The hobby needs new blood, especially a youthful crowd. That’s why there are plenty of books annually geared towards kids. But don’t let that deter you as there are also plenty of titles for adults to get sucked into.


The next hope is that it gets existing readers to possibly try something new and get hooked. I know every year there are a handful of customers that pick up the free books and end up adding one or two to their pull lists. I had a guy try a Valiant title one year and add all Valiants books to his pull as he was so impressed. That would not have happened without FCBD.


Another reason is it’s designed to drive traffic into the LCS (Local Comic Shop). Most stores coincide the day with a big sale or event. Sone stores have signings by artists, cosplayers, a sale, contests or raffles, special guests, and more along with the free books.


Our store is doing the following on the big day.


We will also be having sone masked heroes, a local craft vendor Jen Gale from Sew Nerdy With Jen will be there along with and a local artist named Lenny Rivera doing sketches. Lenny’s artwork can be viewed here: while Jen’s crafts can be purchased here:

The important thing to remember when heading to your local shop is this...PLEASE SUPPORT THEM!!! Every year we get the folks that have no interest in supporting a local small business. They just hear the word FREE and lose their damn minds. I’ve had a mother and father bring in 7 or 8 kids, the grandparents,neighbors, I mean whomever they could wrangle up. Just to walk in, grab the freebies and leave. It sucks. It’s part of participating in this day but I try to do my best every year in letting folks know, if they the shop as retailers spend thousands of dollars to just give stuff away.


Buy something. Please. You don’t have to spend a fortune and in most store such as my own, there is no purchase required. However the more successful the event is the better the event will probably be the following year. Also ya local. It helps those in the community. It is greatly appreciated as this event can be a big boost to the overall well being of a shop. It’s my shop’s biggest and most successful day annually.


You can find your local store that is participating here:

There will roughly be about 50 different titles available, depending on how your shop ordered. Books go quickly so I’d advise getting there early. In addition to the titles there are also a few other items made available that day as FCBD exclusives.

The Hulk Heroclix will be a giveaway.


The Saga Lying Cat Funko Pop abd DC Bombshells Harley Quinn figure will be available for purchase in limited quantities. They will be highly sought after so snag yours early.



So hop on down to your local comic shop early on Saturday, support them and partake in the festivities while snagging sone free Comics. Thx for reading folks!

If you enjoyed reading this, please consider giving an upvote or resteem. Follows also appreciated as I’ll be throwing out content like this often. You all rule!!!

You can check out our shop at



I’m realitively new here so I’m not sure how it’s going to go but Steemit has a killer community and I’m trying something different. I’d like to see this travel far to different communities. Groups who might not have known about this day so I’m offering up a prize pack of sone of the FCBD books from this year along with a special bonus Conquest Comics Exclusive Metallic Harley Quinn Funko Pop worth about $60!!! A winner will be chosen at random after 7 days from publishing this from those who UPVOTE and RESTEEM. Please comment here with DONE to notify your participation (I will check). I will choose a winner at random and announce it here. Once notified I’ll just get your mailing address and mail you out your prize pack!!! It’s that simple. UPVOTE & RESTEEM then comment here with DONE. If you want to be involved in more contests like this in the future then just give me a follow. If this is successful then I have sone really cool ideas going forward...


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