A Reply To Dave @ZoomTruth

To Dave @ZoomTruth and all other truth seekers-

Let me first apologize to Dave for not seeing his generous offer and his video post earlier. I could go through a list of excuses but I'd rather not. Simply put, I didn't see it until 10 minutes ago. I was searching something unrelated and saw my name in a video on http://showtodaytv.com and clicked it and there was your video. Just finished it and so, I am making this blog post (which may be the complete wrong way to respond) which brings me to the point... I don't understand Steemit fully. I wrote for bitcoin sites in the past, I watch a few other coins, I research and try to expose liars and help steer this ship of humanity back on course. As you fellow truth seekers know all to well, we as a people or populace have gone so far off track and worst of all... a large majority of people have no idea. They think we are locked in and cruising at full speed ahead. I have also accepted that the rest of my life will likely be the continued struggle of trying to wake the masses and I appreciate you letting me know Dave, that I may have got through to you.

On to my response to your offer... if you are willing to spend a little time showing me the Steemit ropes, count me in. I have 2 or 3 posts here but I felt the learning curve seemed to be a big one and I just didn't have time. So, if you can spend some time explaining the concept to me, I will surely post here and bring over as many others as I possibly can because free speech is the most dear of all my freedoms that have been reduced to pseudo-freedoms. Yes, even free speech isn't what we might hope and so I am 100% for backing anything returning the concept of free speech and our other freedoms that have been categorically reduced, squashed and stolen for the benefit of the very few and at the detriment of the many.

I'll end this post by saying thanks for reaching out Dave. You seem like a great guy doing exactly what I am doing. Anybody who has to sift through mountains of deception trying to find those gold nuggets of truth, no matter their size... is my friend and I will be there for those people no matter what. We all have to recognize that the very things that separate us from animals are being reduced and stolen at every waking moment. They are coming fast with their robotic version of life and downloading and uploading of memory. (This is of course all a way to reduce your worth) With the fraud Elon Musk and his AI fear and autonomous cars becoming the norm soon, the goal is to phase out the human. Why? Because the human can recognize when his rights are being tampered with. That human can recognize state trained, backed and financially sponsored "terrorism" when it is used to implement tighter security protocols under a fraud and media backed made for TV movie which, despite many people knowing that 9/11 was not at any point, anything like any of us thought it was or was told it was in the weeks, months and years until we stopped and looked.

Then we saw. Well, if they can get rid of you and I and replace us with bots that are more powerful, more efficient, easier to order to do what is wanted with no worries of labor laws and the rest that goes along with the employing of us crazy and demanding human beings. The real truth is of course that we built the robots. People of earth have built the iPhone, the computer, the car, the factory, the bulldozer and the crane. We have built the buildings that allow the elite to sit and dine in high places.This is our world and it is time we take it back.

Starting on Steemit and starting with our freedoms. If you see FREE SPEECH being attacked, attack back. If you see an attack on personal freedoms like our FREEDOM OF RELIGION, do not conform to what the masses do. We need to fight for them too because some have lost their ability to discern. Many cannot see the freedoms that have been gone for 50+ years like our FREEDOM OF THE PRESS... quite possibly the most important and required concept in DEMOCRACY and long ago, these sell-outs took the pay out at the expense of a human mind control mass experiment that continues today in the face and on the nightly tell-lie-vision sets across the earth. We must protect our FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY as well as our FREEDOM OF PETITION. We must demand the continued RIGHT TO EQUAL JUSTICE and do not allow them to make movies for the masses to eat up on the nightly news that despite the outside tragic appearance, when observed closer, these are usually False Flag and Hoax events that have many ultimate purposes, but one of the major reasons is to eliminate another of our freedoms... THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. They eventually need that freedom erased at which point you will see the other disappear in months or years. They will have won the war of the mind and our children and our children's children will be subject to an existence of mind controlled drones, marching to the beat of some elite drum. Well, I am here to make a change Dave and so I can't wait to work with you. Together, we can and will do so much more.

We were sold a lie. Almost about every thing you think you know. We were given the illusion of a fair and just Government and instead were given men who make decisions for you. Everyone knows that isn't at all what was supposed to happen. The government is supposed to be the authority or power that people establish to help them run their affairs. Governments serve many important purposes, but the most important one is that government makes it possible for people to live and work together as a team and benefit collectively from the products produced as a result of our cohesive structure. Government provides us with rules of conduct we can follow and by the collective agreement to follow these known laws, and helps provide many services that citizens acting alone could not perform themselves. None of us can afford a rocket. But with a few million citizens, all of a sudden by pooling our money together, we can create an agency to act on our behalf. Well, that agency that acts on our behalf spending our money and playing in space by growing lettuce for the first time for the 100th time... has lied to humanity for more than 50 years while providing nothing but lies, all a part of this master plan I eluded to earlier.

They want me gone, they want you gone. They will of course, not get rid of all men, but anyone reading this or posting on this site, please understand the importance and rare gem it is that you have in your possession. The dwindling attribute of an ability to think. To think for YOURSELF. So, we may have differences. You may believe that we went to the moon in 1969, I do not. But that is okay, if you recognize like I do, that all these debates are a master plan of separation. We have bigger fights to charge through. Once we have removed the fat puss filled zit on the ass of humanity. Then we can sit and discuss our differences. We can debate about the moon until you see my much better evidence and clear and concise presentation and apologize for your silly delusion and we can then get into space and space travel in general.

Another story for another day. For now, recognize your freedoms and embrace the institutions and people who also see what we see. Dave, I found you and today, we are north stronger than yesterday... so I gotta ask the question....


Hope everyone follows as much more is soon to come thanks to David. Be kind to each other and find your own truth. Till next post, this has been jeranism...


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