Bank CEO Nicholas Paul Fegan * of Paratus AMC Ltd * Exposed in Violent Gang - Margaret Bass Property Theft

Nicholas Paul FEGAN (Director)
Paratus AMC Ltd. Fake Case Nos: 9PA59209 AND F00NN686
5 Arlington Square Reg Post WM 1407 5165 0GB
Downshire Way Fake Warrant Nos. 05291/20 + 1A334419 + IA341155
Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1WA RESOLVER RES5873135

                         FURTHER NOTICE AND DEMAND 24-09-2021


Nicholas Paul Fegan (CEO)

Following the repeated criminal raids on our house, by unidentified thugs, at your behest, a woman stating her name is Julie Dearlove stated where I quote:

"Further to our telephone conversation please find attached court Orders dated 6thSeptember 2021 & 13 September 2021 and our Request for Warrant dated 21st July 2021. You would need to contact the court for a copy of the Warrant.

As mentioned I want you to understand what this debt relates to and how it has come to this situation. You took out a mortgage with us 23rdNovember 2007 in our former name of GMAC RFC Ltd over 30 Cliffsend House, London, Greater London, SW9 6HE. This property was repossessed and sold and the sale resulted in a mortgage shortfall. Under the Terms and Conditions of your mortgage you are liable to repay any mortgage shortfall.

You failed to agree a payment arrangement with us to repay the mortgage shortfall and as a result we obtained a Final Charging Order over 27 Gibbs Acre Court dated 15thAugust 2013. In December 2013 you approached Community Law to assist you with your finances and they put forward a payment arrangement which was agreed. Payments were received until March 2018 and when the payments stopped, we instructed an agent to visit you at your home to discuss the matter this was in June 2019.

You advised them you were dealing with the Financial Ombudsman and therefore did not feel it was appropriate to meet and discuss the matter. We did not hear anything further from yourself or the Financial Ombudsman and so we applied for an Order for Sale.
You made a Subject Access request in August 2019 and all documents were sent to you by post on a Disc.

There was a hearing on the 27thAugust 2019 in relation to the Order for Sale and this was adjourned by the court for you to get legal advice with a further hearing on 2nd October 2019. In September 2019 we received notification from the Financial Ombudsman that they were dealing with your complaint. Your complaint was not upheld and the court granted the Order for Sale on 2nd October 2019.

The eviction process then took place and possession was finally obtained, after a number of attempts, on 21stSeptember 2021.
We are somewhat concerned at the advice you have received prior to and since eviction as you have not attempted to call us to make arrangements to pay the monies owed and are being advised that this eviction is “illegal”. The eviction was not illegal.

The situation is now that you need to make arrangements to remove your possessions from the property by contacting LSL who are managing the property for us. Their telephone number is 01392 355542. Arrangements need to be made within 14 days of the date of this email, failure to do so could result in your possessions being destroyed.

In addition we would also suggest that you seek legal advice from a fully qualified legal representative and provide them with this email to see if they are able to assist you.
We hope this clarifies the situation but as mentioned in our telephone call if you have any questions at all please call me on 01344 854354".


You have still not complied with my demand of 24-09-2018, for copies of items which could prove that I owe you a certain sum of money, and that the court issued legitimate proceedings as you claim.

You did not attach a bill of sale, statutory VAT receipts for the purported court fees you allege you paid, nor explain why the HMRC having no record of you filing such accounting. Nor did you attach an office copy, of the purported original Contract, which your arbitrary Terms and Conditions relate to, as I have no recollection of ever signing up to these.
I have made various payments to you, under duress and violent threats, as your are unwilling or unable to verify the above 2) As your agent informed me, that you had no Accounting Ledger, and he could not prove any debt.

The ombudsman’s failure, is no proof, that you are in possession of the above 2)
Your response to my DSAR, clearly stated, that you have no records of any debt owed, nor Court Fee receipts which you are claiming as paid.

You did not explain, how you manages to get sheets of paper titled ORDER, and WARRANT, when there was never any legitimate proceedings, duly paid for, and Issued by the Court.
You did not attach any material, to verify your purported eviction process. Which leaves me as a displaced residential occupier, waiting to be restored by law enforcement, pursuant to s.1 of the Protection from Eviction and Harassment Act 1977.

I have had legal advice from Community Law, Citizens Advice Bureau, various solicitors and the police, who all agreed, that there is no evidence, the the court issued proceedings. And the police confirmed on 22/09/2021, that no warrant was executed, and cancelled my arrest accordingly.
You have made a further violent threat, that you may destroy my belongings, but you did not attach the statutory inventory, under which you allegedly took possession and control, pursuant the the Tory (Interference with Goods) Act 1977.

You are giving me legal advice, to seek legal advice, when you did not attach the Warrant, and EX96, which was allegedly executed by the appointed County Court Bailiff, on which I could possibly seek such advice. Amounting to gaslighting. My investigation is being assisted by Anthony Badaloo dip(PFS) ACPA, of Church Hill Finance, who is an Accountant, Financial Adviser and Trading Standards Practioner, running homeless charity petition ScamBuster.TV
The situation will be clarified, once you supply the material, which you referenced, rely upon, and either is being concealed, or does not exist.


Provide me with an office copy of the original, of the items you cited, and relied on in this statement, namely,

Please provide me, with a copy of the Notice Of Eviction, which was served on the Local Authority, regarding this alleged lawful eviction proceedings, and a photo ID of July Dearlove, to verify the numerous forged signature letters she sent me.

Provide a copy, of the Statutory VAT receipt, all the Court Fees you allegedly paid in the above five couer case and warrant numbers, or admit that the County Court Money Claims Centre is correct, in stating that there is no record of your fake case number in the Caseman system.

Provide an office copy, of the alleged Warrant + signed EX96 document, Issued by the Court, and executed by the appointed County Court Bailiff, along with the statutory inventory for my belongings, legal documents + DATA, or admit you knowingly made a false statement. And, and make arrangements to restore me forthwith, as the law commands.

Provide a claim form and a copy liability Insurance certificate which covers me against Negligence, Fraud and Malpractice. Or admit you are trading without statutory insurance.

Ø In case you are unwilling or unable to comply with my request, provide the reason.

Ø Implied admission by the absence of a response.

Ø This NOTICE will be used in evidence.

Kind Regards

Margaret Bass - Creditor
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