What on Earth - Frank Bacon? Is there an OPEN SOURCE Military Intelligence Operation taking place under... WHO Noses? A S Q

I believe in the Controversy about ME and about what I DO.
I realize there there will always be a group of people,
some of them probably P'AID Frankly, WHO are going to Resist US.

THAT being said, stirring up controversies about ME and MY WORKS was probably the easiest thing in the world for me to do given the nature of the Fragile Minded internet users out there who are already so turned over to AI and Machineware (MK-ULTRA Programming) on the Internet that there is possibly no way to EVER save them... so why not just USE them the way THEY have been conditioned?

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Disclaimer: ADmission for Deep Psychological Programming Proficiencies :Warning

From late 2014 and on up til NOW, I have watched from a distance and taken minimally invasive steps into examining a VERY controversial subject matter. The Subject itself is hard to define but has a lot to do with an individual's right to understand their purpose, their future, and ways of improving their Lot in life. This subject best falls under the categories of 'Sovereignty' and 'Immunity' as it pertains to an Individual under the control of outside forces. Forces like a Government or organized community, like a secret society.

Back then it had appeared to me that there was a VERY active and intricate War going on between some Forces on this planet. Now over 5 years later there is ample evidence to support sharing some findings from my Eye In The Sky perspective on this matter. One perspective for example is disclosing how one side of this WAR appears to be being won by the side which better represents a Free Humanity's interest in their collective future. The other side of this conflict continues to appear as though they can't catch a break from their eminent defeat.

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Since taking an active interest in this unfolding story from 2014, I can say with pride that I am very interested in raising Humanity's collective hold on a freer and more sovereign future. So interested in fact that I feel obligated to disclose that it feels like a Full Time job for me most any day of the week. And it should be a Full Time job that I can Geek out on if it weren't for my OTHER Full Time Work which takes priority. So considering I am somewhat unable to participate FULLY in this worldwide conflict for humanity's future; almost as if I were on some sort of House Arrest and not permitted to interface with comm systems of the day, or I'm somewhere in a utopian future sending back Signals to help those involved in the present Fight take proper action to win their battles, I can at least find some consolation in the hard work that others are doing to Win THIS struggle of many years.

With THAT being said, I do hope to interact soon with several of these Present Day Fighters for Humanity's Future...
maybe when I come down from where I've been perched ; )

Kind Regards.

8 Kun Owner, Jim Watkins discusses with Dr Tammy:

Timothy Cunningham. Austin Steinbart. Evergreen. Flu Shot law.

Post Script: Apologies for the missed invitation @pennywisedawise, @fulcrumnews

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