Mentalism: Can Thoughts Alter FRANK BACON? - Are you IN or OUT of the Breakaway?

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
~Oscar Wilde

The Civilized BREAKAWAY

Since 2010, when I began writing as a Nom de Plume as @frankbacon, I have been ever interested in the possibility of Active Human Evolution. Meaning that an individual may themselves be all that is needed to activate higher potentials in the Human Body for such things as improving Cognition, Consciousness, Healing, and possibly Mental Phenomena such as Telepathy.

The work I have done in the last decade has been productive and I have in fact answered many of my own self imposed mysteries. I can say with confidence that there appears to be a Breakaway happening that others are joining in mass... leading to a tipping point of realizations.

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I believe the next ten years of human development on this planet will lead to some astonishing revelations about it's history and the history of mankind. The revelations will assuredly change the entire evolutionary track of the Human Species leading to a big divide between those who are reclaiming their very biology, and the masses of humans who will instead wish to remain the property of something else; content to live out their existence under the rules imposed by their owners.

For what it's worth, I will continue with MY WORK and do what I can to help SOME out of their stupor, and into alignment with their highest potential. But I will mainly do this by Minding My OWN Business and letting most others do as they will.


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