👌 3 PARTy Life ThugEE - Spontaneity ULTIMATE Sad HIVE guru | T/IGH\T PALS to LiberTY Land us 🤙 Where is the BOOTH?


I used to have a real problem navigating them for a spell. I once spent several summers on a couch contemplating many things, never once able to press keys into boards and manifest OH say, RELIEF? Seriously speaking though, I did spend a few years unable to communicate in conventional memes or textual conversations. That didn't prevent me from reading Minds however.


Minds is a free and open source distributed social networking service that uses Ethereum to reward the community with ERC20 tokens. Users can use their tokens to promote their content or to crowdfund other users through monthly subscriptions to their exclusive content and services. Wikipedia

During those years in abject misery and locomotive impairment, reading bits from Minds and viciously shouting commands to minions was how I brought about some Change in my Life. Change worth a couple thousand dollars in today's Fiat eQuivalence. The technology behind my demonstration of HandiCapableNESS was of course, a different Blockchain entirely than what the people at Minds were building.

COMS ... Mind

Relief has been a bitter road to recovery but even as a debilitated, cyber security surfing, couch hobo I was tuned in to an ALTernate CB Radio band of sorts and could easily discern that IDENTITY held the Key to my Belief. A Belief that a wave of change was sweeping over THIS Land that would allow even a Mugg like Me an opportunity to MIND my Own Business from the comforts of my own abodes.

I'm really glad I put all that effort in years ago, and then recorded IT properly on a Blockchain with an UNBELIEVABLY simple ID Management system. So simple in fact, that I recently Fired UP my ol' Crazy Computer Guy and informed him that his Company's IT Services weren't needed so long as my customer BASE utilized the SAME ID Management THAT their favorite Spy-Fy Author used. From there I could go on to use such a system to perform POS level duties for A BOOK Store, a Simple Tea Shop, A Radio Station, Even a Local News Paper...

Feels good to be a THUGEE!

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