French Workers have just Shut Down France! Indian Farmers Shut down India and American Workers shut down Kentucky

Sadly we complain about our students being placed in debt for years to come after graduation, we complain about our pensions being stolen, we complain about our Medical coverage and much more. We have the power to make the change but seem to be unwilling to step outside of our comfort zones to do so.

We say- the government this and the government that- but the government was put in place for the people. If we do not hold our officials to account then they can do anything they want to us and seem to be doing just that. We need to pay close attention to the methods that work. The methods in this videos below are simple tried and true.

Also, see what the Indian Farmers recently did

For those of you who fail to make the observation, these Farmers have strong Socialist and Collectivist leanings. That is why they are able to successfully mass together to oppose the Capitalist-Agra Biz conglomerates like MONSANTO! (Notice the RED FLAGS with a Star, Hammer and Sickle)

I understand that many Americans do not like socialism but many of us enjoy its fruits with programs and laws like: Child Labor Laws, Social Security, Work Place Safety, 40 hour work weeks, 8 hour work days, Unemployment Insurance, and Welfare Programs for those in need. These are all programs and laws adopted from the Socialist movements in America.

American Teachers Standing up!

Teachers across America are making a real statement by banding together and standing up for what they feel they need
today I watched other videos on Teachers in California and Minnesota also banding together to make a change. I would love to see this behavior in other areas to help Americans demand the things we need. If someone has a better suggestion on what we could do to get our government and corporations to listen I would love to hear it because petitions, and request don't seem to work.

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