Do you know a Fragger?

A Fragger? What the heck is that? To be direct about the meaning it regards fragmentation. You may be familiar with your computer's defragmentation tool to clean up and fix the programs and files on the computer's HD.

What does [Fragger] mean in this regard? I use Fragger as a way to describe a growing trend of many humans state of affairs in their ability to think and concentrate on normal activities and to logically put the pieces together.

With the introduction of various electronic devices, smart meters, games, apps and the electromagnetic energy waves that are infiltrating the ether to send signals, etc we are beginning to see the results right in front of our eyes: the fragmentation or the disruption of the mind and the ability to focus and concentrate on what used to be normal activities.

The brain is affected by the way in which games are played and the type of game, how the user is involved in using the device, and how the energy that flows from and to the device, for example.

Make no mistake about it - the brain is being bombarded with many times more activities such as visual, physical and mental stimulants than it can handle, especially for hours at a time. The radiation from all these devices influence thought processes among other issues. There is also a rapid increase of tumors and other brain related problems, not to mention attention deficit disorders.

Yes, just as a program/file and storage of them on the HD of a computer gets fragmented, so does the human mind.

The mind is very powerful, able to do many things as well as connect the dots of issues to find solutions. Unfortunately, a Fragger's mind is not able to connect the dots so well as a brain should. Division of data basically means one cannot put the pieces together under the intensity of modern environment.

Is there a solution to the trends of today? Well, use fewer devices and avoid electromagnetic energy sources, especially smart meters and direct contact with cell phones. Use more hand writing tools, paper, color pens, mind maps, and reality based activities vs all the virtual ones.

Yes, it's time to defragment: fill the brain with healthy goodness. Otherwise, noticing our friend on the right in the picture, the future may not [bee, as it is honey] so bright as the one on the left i.e. a fully functional brain verses an empty one.


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