My Better Half


Spinning around on her bare feet and landing in the lap and arms of Evan, Carla inquired, “Is that a sketch of me?”

Quickly, closing his iPad and glancing away from Carla’s stare, Evan confessed, “No, that’s someone from my past.”

“What’s her story? Why does she have half of a face?”

“Her name is Jenna and she was a model who posed for an artist in my art class. I first met her at school.”

“She looks determined. I love how her long eyelashes fades into the strands of her hair,” Carla asserted, before going into the kitchen to refresh their empty wine glasses.

Evan stared intensely at the sketch once again, admiring the beautiful bone structure and the contouring of Jenna’s face....her perfectly shaped mauve colored lips. He contemplated whether or not to tell Carla that Jenna is his estranged wife.

“How do I tell her that she is the love of my life, my better half who completes my story and makes me whole?”

I hope you enjoyed this short story that I penned using the art prompt created by artist @vermillionfox in the Foxtales Week 26 Writing Contest hosted by @vermillionfox here.


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