The Creation of 4th World Nations

From the Genius of Venkatesh Rao comes another cutting insight into the collapsing pockets of Modern America, where traditional social structures and cultural/communal nets of security have been dissolved in the acid bath of neoliberalism, creating a new anthropological phenomenon; the conditions of the 4th World.

"The lament that the United States is turning into a third-world country is at once pessimistic and optimistic. What happening is a patchwork of post-industrial first and fourth-world conditions is emerging against a second-world backdrop."

Fourth world: Parts of the developed world that have collapsed past third-world conditions because industrial safety nets have withered from neglect/underfunding. The overwhelming strain and demand of the neoliberal assault has punctured a hole in society and the pre-modern societal structures don’t exist as backstops anymore. There are a few community concepts as the commons are destroyed and societal systems were stripped under the neoliberal mantra of autonomy and broken invidualism. Extreme wealth siphoning vs. extreme costs to hollowed out systems. i.e.; internal colonialism

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