what are 4th and 5th dimension ?

The Fourth Dimension

This is the “bridge” we’re all pretty much on now, and will be for a relatively short period of time. In traveling through the Fourth Dimension, we are preparing ourselves for the Fifth.

Many of us have had experiences of the Fourth Dimension for a number of years now without realizing it.

We can know we’re experiencing the Fourth Dimension when we have moments of spiritual awakening and experiences of heart opening. Other times, it can happen when we’re simply feeling clear and quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter, less rigid. There’s a sense of spaciousness and upliftment.

Time is no longer linear in the Fourth Dimension—there’s an ongoing sense of being in present time, with no interest or even awareness of past and future. And we can discover that time is malleable—it can actually stretch and condense, much to our third dimensional surprise.

Manifestation is much faster in the Fourth Dimension. Something we simply think about can show up very quickly. In general, when we’re experiencing joy, love and gratitude, we’re experiencing fourth dimensional consciousness.

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart.

In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite.

Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. You think about something—it comes present. People generally communicate through telepathy and have the ability to read each other’s thoughts and feelings with ease. The experience of time is radically different: some describe it as “everything happening at once.” There is no distinction between past, present or future.

Many of us are having experiences (or “dreams”) that feel like visits to the Fifth Dimension. These are exhilarating—tremendously exciting and hopeful. They keep us moving on through the difficulties that sometimes arise as we travel through the Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth.

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