Greta, Gates, Soros, Luisa-Marie Neubauer "one foundation" China.


So who is Luisa-Marie Neubauer that is constantly pictured with Greta around the globe?.

Well considering her age, born 1996, she already has a wiki page. =

She is funded in part or in full via the Chinese one foundation.

But where do they get their ill gotten tax free gains from?.

Well this is one long and tricky web of deceit and deception.

Taking a look at @frot country New Zealand, the one foundation cult there, they do it via gambling machines/slot machines all up and down the country, bars/restaurants etc.

Moving swiftly over to China, we get a page all in Chinese and I see no link to change it to English here.

Luckily though we can go via wiki again.

Oddly enough or not, Bono the ex singer ties into this affair, via his cooperation with one of Gates foundations named? Well "one" of course.

There is a common underlying link with these foundations and poor young children. Read their websites for details.

I am going to go off on a bit of a tangent here, but bare with me, it will all tie in.

The smart money moved into climate change years ago. Big banks, hedge funds, billionaires across the globe.
Even with the amount of people claiming Greta and activists like her - Luisa-Marie Neubauer - Extinction rebellion, Roger Hallam and co are not funded by NGO'S, I say for sure they are. Where does she, or any of them for that matter, get the money from to sail around the globe like little Greta did when she went to the USA to scream at us all "YOU STOLE MY CHILDHOOD, HOW DARE YOU!!!".

The irony with that trip was it used more fossil fuels to make her boat than a single flight with her skinny little ass on it would have done, not to mention the 4 man crew that all flew home after!.

So there is a double agenda at play here, children is a common theme, and Greta with her pre pubescent looks and flat chest seem to be someones idea of ideal, but who is that someone?.

That I have no concrete answer to, but she seems to get around a lot of so called elite, you can find those pictures at your leisure.

Why fund climate change activists? Well I need to add very little to that other than what I stated above, it is about money £'s $'s and Euros.

To get a bigger picture, you could do far worse than watch Michael Moores video below. Just ignore the over population part around 30 mins in.

Why watch that, well you need to watch it to see, as he was a darling star of the liberal elite and their love affair with renewable energy, that costs a darn site more for us all in bills. He has turned full circle, and is eating his own revolution from within. Shocking, but true.

I have not finished with this yet, there is a hell of a lot more to tie in, and the Clinton foundation is next on my hit list.

Soros put in $32 billion of his own money to foundations or AKA NGO'S too, and none of these characters are far away from most NGO'S be it Gates and his wife, Bono, Soros, Clinton's and co.

Soros and co seem to have a mindset of chaos = order hence why he funds anything divisive like Antifa & black lives matter. Anything to get us at each others throats.

I have a suspicion I aim to prove, that these charitable foundations that claim to heal, feed and cloth poor children are nothing but fronts for international child trafficking.
If I am wrong I will put in print a full retraction to this article, if I do not, I will lay out my case with evidence and lay out "who, when, how." This may take a while though.

In the meantime, I wish you a fantastic day ahead filled with fun, family and love.

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