I got a visit tomorrow

I called my workers supervisors boss and we talked about how my case was going and he seemed the most reasonable so far. I told him about the misconduct and dishonesty of both my worker and her supervisor. I told him about the one party consent law and although he did not know it he did agree that laws superceed their policies. I told him about my steemit and he seemed to like the idea. He told me he would review my case and get back to me in a few days. He asked if I had seen my son and was suprised that I had not yet. I told him about the kind of father I was and how I would do without many things to give my son a good life. He asked about the food I would feed my son and I told him how I give my son organic fruit and greek yogurt for his lunch. I often make homecooked meals or take my son out for supper. He said he found it odd that marijuana was even on the case plan as it was going to be legal and that meth in this city is so prevalent that marijuana is not a concern. I told him I was writing about how my case was going and about what really happens to kids in care.

The next day my workers supervisor emailed me saying I have a visit on friday their was several conditions that I had to agree to. 1 of the conditions was to waive my one party consent law. To not record anything at all and leave all my belongings some where else. My mother will be there. This is fucked but I will take what I can for now just to say hi and see how he is. I will not record them this time. Also I cannot speak about certain things like my work or CFS at all.

But at least I will see him.

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