Update on my situation

After flooding my workers answering machine her supervisor (Sharon Cheung) called. She kept trying to play word games with me. She wanted to make it seem like my interest was not on my child. She kept flipping her position at first saying she and my worker will not be speaking to me by telephone. Also she said that we could meet to discuss how to get my son back then she said she wouldn't meet till my court date in June then she said she would meet if I emailed them what about my case plan I wanted to change. They said the only way I can meet them is if I agree to not record them. So the only way I can meet my worker is if I wave my charter rights and do not use the one party consent law.
She said my son is not on medication but that they will not say that they will not put him on medication. I was disgusted by this and told them this was not an option. I told her the only way I would put my son on meds was if he was hearing voices. I am absolutely against this but that did not matter to her. I am patient and understanding and know in the long run it is better to deal with issues and work through your problem then take a pill. If they drug my child there will be hell to pay for all those involved. I am very worried for my son.


Early on they told me my son was doing fine then but a day or two before his principle said he was not. I cannot trust these swine as they lie to cover their ass.


I told Sharon I would like to see my son. I told her that I wanted to meet them and that I will always record them as is my right but also if it is their word against mine then I am in a weak position to defend myself from the machine that CFS has become. I told her she works in the province with the most kids in care and that we have the most kids in care in the western world and that she is part of that and that she should take ownership of that as her part in that ugly truth. I told her that my sons biggest issue before all this was mommy issues and an addiction to video games. Now this is his biggest issue is this whole issue which has effected his view of this country. Sharon wanted me to get a mental health assesment I told her that would take longer then the court date. She said something about parenting classes but I am an awesome dad and not only do I not need them but I have several people that went to those and it only was used against them. I know several that completed all kinds of courses just to not have their children returned all the while CFS was dangling the children infront of their face.

I told them I did not abuse my child and would not capitulate. I told them if I thought I needed them I would take them.

They have robbed me of my child and walked all over my rights. They will only meet me if I waive my rights. They may put my son on drugs despite how I feel about it. They are animals the machine their are apart of has taken away their humanity. Yet they believe they should not be held accountable.

I told her even after this case is over I am going to track down those who lives have been effected by her and write about it here.

They have done irrepairible damage to my family and will be held accountable either through law or lulz.

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